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Tinn's Pov
Morning came, the sunlight peeked trough the window as i stand up, annoyed. School again, how i wish there was no school. I get up as i get ready for a warm shower.
I walk out from the bathroom as i finish getting a hot warm bath, i walk towards my closet and find my uniform and remember some thing's i shouldn't remember. Do i like him? I want to bully him more, but why do my heart always skip a beat when im with him? Ah damn Guntaphon. I walk out from my closet holding my uniform, as i wear it.
After changing, i walk towards the door and open it was i walk outside, i close the door behind me and continue walking towards the elevator.
After waiting for the elevator to stop, i walk outside as i see Love running towards me, i quickly welcome her in my arms as she hug me, i ask her where mom is, as she points towards the kitchen, i nod as i start walking towards the kitchen and just as i was about to go inside, my father called me as i face towards him with and irritated face, i ask him what. "Hey son, do you and Nong Gun get along?" As he continue asking me, i answer with a nod as i speak "I guess, well i very well don't know". I face towards the kitchen door again as i walk inside, i greet my mom and kiss her cheek, "Oho, what is my beautiful mother cooking today?" She chuckle as she answer "I'm cooking you're favorite dear, it's you're fav curry". Mom smiled as she told me to sit, i sat down as i waited for her food to be served.
After i was done eating, i quickly stand up as i told mom i'd be leaving. I called one of the driver telling them to drive me as i need to leaved for school, they quickly readied the car but i told them i'll drive myself just get my car out, they nod.
After the car was ready, i walk towards the main door as i walk outside walking towards where my car waiting for me, i opened the car door as i sit in the driver seat. I closed the door and start my engine as i leave.
After an hour of driving, i finally arrive school. Surprisingly it was quit, we'll it's good no one's making a fuss today, i parked my car as i locked the car and walk towards the hallway, but then i heard girls shouting my name, i quickly run as fast as i could and by chance i notice gun walking and i grab his wrist as he continue resisting, i pinned him at the wall pretending i was making up with him as girls run trough as not noticing us at all, while yelling my name. Gun, pushed me as he snap "Wtf do you want Tinn, it's your fans not mine. Help yourself, i'm not a hero just so you know". As he walk out leaving me in shocked, that was the first time i heard him snap so bad. We'll i guess i'll start this day with a tease😏
The first class was already over so i walk outside trying to find some good stuff to do, as i notice gun talking with his friends, i called him. "Honey, what are you doing here in such place, don't you class?" I walk towards him as he snap and walk towards me as well, he grabbed my hand pulling me in the storage room as i just followed. "Ai'Tinn, i had enough with you, i'm still stressed about our engagement next week and now you're fucking with me? How dare you!" Said gun as he grab me by my collar, i laugh as i push him "Nothing, then you should get used to this Honey, we're getting married soon remember". I smirk as he glared at me "Shut up, this married is bullshit, you also know it's only for you're reputation as well as mine, so don't you dare consider it as real!!" He yelled as he walk leaving me behind, i followed him teasingly while calling him with dumb names. I laugh in my mind while people start to notice us, owh how nice, people gossiping. He stop walking as he again face me glaring at me with his middle finger. "F.uck you Tinnaphob!" I laugh as i walk past him, how cute my future husband.
After some time, the ring bell's as a sign of which the class is over. I pack my things as i leaved the room and walk outside the hallway. While i was walking i feel someone following me so let them follow me ti'll i notice gun and walk towards him holding his hand while pulling him towards the parking lot, but the person still following me ti'll i stop at my car as Gun glared at me and as he was about to snap the person spoke. "Why Tinn, why him? Huh! we've been together for so long, but why? Why do you need to broke up with me, huh?! Oh yes, because of this fuc.king wh.ore here, how disgusting". She continue speaking as she points toward where gun was standing, i slap her, don't you dare say that. "Gun was shocked as he became as newly made statue". I told gun to ignore her as i told him to go inside the passage seat, but she stop gun holding his wrist. "Oh so you're Guntaphon Wongwitthaya, the rumored whore who steal my man's heart, how could you?! You're the reason why Tinn broke up with me, you fuc.king wh-" stop, we're done Nook, i already told you. Leave the fuck of me alone, and Gun. "Why? Why him..? Huh! Why him, Tinn? You don't even know if he truly loves you, but why are you!?. Why not me? I thought, you loved me. Why!" She cried as she keep pointing at gun, i'd had enough as i was about to slap her, gun interfere, he stop my hand. I ask him why he just shrug, and face Nook. "Hey nong, i know it's hard accepting. But we're getting married, you can't do anything nor stop the clock. What can you do nong? Nothing right, you know there's many guy who's better than him, who won't leave you but instead chose you for the rest of their life. Nong cherish you're beautiful life". He smile as he look at Nook. But nook was different she never been kind to anyone other than me, she pushed Gun as luckily i catch him before he fall. I looked at Nook, but she looked at me blankly and then look again at Gun "You b!tch i don't fuc.king need you're sympathy, i don't need a word from a fuc.king whore like you!" As she glared at Gun, Gun stared at her for a minuted and he again spoke "You know what, i'm fuc.king done being a good guy here, you fuc.king b!tch if you truly love this man then support him, you know he need his reputation you b'tch i'm done with this talk, if you want to talk to him then go, i don't need you're fuc.king words, and also? Do i look like a whore to you? Just because i'm a fuc.king guy, Girl, know the difference. You both talk to each other, i'll leave". As Gun turn away, as he was about to walk away, i quickly hold his waist pulling him. As you can see Nook, we broke up. Get over it, he's mine now and i'm his, we both are getting married. You need to find somebody else. I put my hand away as Gun, walk again towards the Car door, but as he was about to open the Nook take out a knife and as she was going to attack him i quickly cover for Gun, and i don't know what happen after that, all i know was my sight fading..
Guntaphon's Pov.
Siren's sound make the surrounding noisy, as cars make a way for the ambulance, the ambulance was speeding as the patient is in a critical position, it was Tinn.
Flashback to earlier, tinn stand in my back as i face at him, he he was bleeding knife on his stomach while Nook, take a step back i quickly called and ambulance, and take him in my arms as i called him many times telling him not to sleep, but he's eyes closed and i know he's already in danger i panicked as i called his parents telling them what happen, and all i know as after i called his parent's the ambulance arrive as they carried him inside they ask if i could accompany him, i nod as i hop in.
Back to present, i didn't notice when my tears falls down, i hold his hand apologizing to him, all of the things i did. Praying to Buddha to wake him up and make him safe, it was taking too long, if only i have power to teleport i would've just teleported at the hospital.
After for what feel like a year, we finally arrive at the nearest hospital, as they let me go out and take Tinn's inside the hospital while they pushed him towards the emergency room, i run behind them as my heart was beating faster than ever, they told me to wait outside as they fade through the emergency door. I sit at the bench outside the emergency room as i waited for the doctor to come out..
While waiting outside, i did not notice as i fall asleep then was woken up because of Love shaking me, "Phi, are you okay?" She ask, i said im fine as Mae hugged me, and sit beside me as she ask what happen, i explain what happen to her as he looked like enrage, she called one of his bodyguard and i whispered something to him, i ignore it as i keep glancing at the emergency door waiting for it to open.
And lucky, while waiting for how many hours, the door opened. Revealing the doctor as he walk towards me, "So Mr. Wongwitthaya, you're his?" Suddenly Mae appeared as she spoke "Tinnaphob's Fiance". As she smile, the doctor then looked at me again, "It's a good news, you're fiance is fine. But he needs rest, and he need to control his action as well as his foor, he was in a critical condition, but luckily he arrived on time". The doctor smile as he continue speaking "I shall take my leave, he'll be transfer in the VVIP room later on you can visit him, i will talk to you later then Mr Guntaphon". I nod as he walk away, i didn't notice my eye became watery when Love spoke "Phi, are you fine? Why are you crying, if you cry i cry" as she act crying. I chuckle as i told him how something got on my eye, she happily smile as she hug me.
After waiting, Tinn was finally moved to the VVIP room, as we walk towards the room i opened the door and walk inside as i found him still sleeping calmly, like nothing happened earlier. I could say this was my biggest nightmare, i don't know. I don't have feeling to him, do i? I sigh as i sit beside his bed. Her mother approached me as she spoke "Gun, please take care of my son. I'll get some food deliver here later, i need to go home as i have business to do, and Love you have class tomorrow oh dear, come with me let's go" she called love as love walk towards me and hug me "Phi take care, byee!" They walk as they started to walk through the door, i looked at them ti'll they disappear at my eyesight, i looke back at Tinn again as i started speaking, "Why? Why do you need to protect me Tinn, did i told you to do something so dangerous? I did not Tinn! Why are you stubborn? I hate you!" As i held his hands, i notice his hand moving as i was about to move my hand back he held it, i resist as he started speaking "Of course, i need to protect my Fiancé, if i don't then who would bear my child?" He said mockingly, i playfully hit his hand as i spoke "Like i can bring you a child!" I laugh, he then stopped talking as he adjust the bed to became a seat, he then looked at me as he starter speaking again, "Thank you na Gun". He said, as i ask him what he mean. "For what?" I said, "For taking care of me, staying by my side". He smiled i told him it's nothing, as he then grab me by the collar and spoke "You know? I'm starting to fall for you". He speak as he stop holding my collar as i became a newly made statue, i laugh at his joke but he suddenly "You won't believe me? I'm being real here gun, you should be thankful". He smirk as he look at me, i gave him a middle finger as i don't know what to respond. He just chuckle as pull me again by my collar and pulled me closer until our face was so close to each other that just a little push our lips would meet. He held my cheeks in his other hand as he kissed me, it was soft, his lip's taste like heaven, softer than ever. I pulled from the kiss as i ran out of breathe, he stared at me as he broke the silence by speaking "So? Do you believe you're future hubby now? I'm starting to fall for you Gun". He said as he became serious i look at him with a challenging face as i started to speak "Try me Mr Tinnaphob, if you can make me fall for you". I smirked at him as he said in a challenging tone "Sure, but it'd be better if we both participate, let's compete. If i become you're boyfriend first i lost, buf if you become my boyfriend first then i win" he said smirking, i nod at him accepting his challenge.
Yes chapter V is finally done, thankyou everyone for again sticking ti'll this chapter! But not gonna lie, it's not boyfriend, it's husband. Anyways bye, i'll be posting chapters every night at 9-11 pm, since i only have time in night, now goodnight! Have a good time reading, see you next chapter. Byeee!

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