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Chiang Mai
Morning came as sunshine peeked through this big window, i was woken up by the sound of alarm ringing as i turn it off and stand up to take a warm bath.
I got out from the bathroom as i finished taking a bath, i quickly put on a white robe and checked the time. Yes we don't have any classes today so i have time to help Mae, if she needs my help. I sat beside the window as i watched the garden from the window, it's so pretty, warm and nostalgic. I spotted Mae, planting plants with the little cutie. Called here cutie because i dont know her name, haha. Might as well ask her later.
Time passed by as i kept staring at the window and ti'll the point i didn't notice someone was knocking i ignored it, but they keep knocking. Do they wan't to break the door? I mean. I shouted at them asking what they wan't. But the respond is what i was not expecting, it's the handsome man. He's outside my room, what do you want i asked. "Open the fuc.king door shorty". Wow, the audacity to bang my door and really? In this early morning, you're already cursing. How amusing of you Mr. Tinnaphob Jirawatthanakul. I laughed, and walk towards the door as i opened it. Damn, you moron, what do you want? I'll come downstair in a minute still got things to do. He just glared at me as he walk in, like the audacity. Walking into my room without a piece of my permission!? Damn this fuc.ker! Go out Tinn! What do you want? You have you're own room. I glared at him, i wanted to kick him so badd! He just stare at me as he proceed to walk towards me again, i step back ti'll i hit the wall as he lock me with both of his hands, and told me something that i just don't expect. "Get ready, mom told me to called you. We'll go out today, with mom and Love". He said with a straight face, i ask him where. He just shrug as he put his hands down and continue walking outside the room.
Ain't he weird? Ah i need to get ready, i quickly ran back again at the bathroom to take a quick shower and after i got out from the bathroom i quickly find some fancy clothes to wear at this fancy closet of mine.
After year's of finding i finally find a good clothes i choose to wear was a white hoodie and a random black long pant's. I got all my things as i get a bag from the closet i put all of my belongings there as i proceed to go out of my room and locked it, i quickly ran towards the elevator as i quickly go in and click the 1st floor. It started to go down
After minutes of waiting i finally arrived at the first floor as i got out and, ran to the living room and i greeted this little young girl as she ask me to sit beside her, i obey her and ask what's her name she proceed to tell me her name. "I'm Pattrinite, but call me Love". she smiles, as i feel my world lit up hmm, how pretty you're name is just like you. Do you have school today Little Love? "No, i don't. I'm going with you and mae and p'tinn". She smile happily as i didn't notice myself and pinch her, she just look at me and smile as she hugs me. How cute this young girl is.
It's been one hour since me and Love talked about funny things, i just listen to her. She's talkative when you first approach her but if she's still new to you she's so introvert, i like this kid. Might as well, ask her to be my daughter i chuckle to myself as someone interrupted my thoughts when Love jump and ran to his P'tinn, yes. It's the handsome man. I just glance at him and continue to watch the tv, as Mae came out from the kitchen and told us to eat, breakfast is ready. All of us walk towards the kitchen and go in, Love ran to the sit and told me to sit beside her as i chuckle and sit beside her, and across me was the handsome man while beside him was his mother. We started eating.
After we had our breakfast we quickly, get ready to leave, as the driver told us the car was ready we walk outside as we walk towards the main gate, and get into the car, it was a mini van, i got in first as i sit beside window and Love quickly go in and Sit beside me. Beside her was handsome man and Mae handsome man's mother sit at the front-seat beside the driver. Since we we're just next the driver seat, at the back there some of the maids like 3 maid go with us and 3 body guards as well. They sit behind us. The engine start as the van started to run, as i notice at the window the weather was good, not too hot and also not too cold. While we we're on the way to somewhere i don't know, i notice Love getting sleepy as i told her to stand as she stand i told her to sit at my lap as she did and hugged her to sleep, she's like a leaf not gonna lie, she eats a lot but she don't gain weight. How cutee, but not healthy. I stared at her as she continue to fall asleep.
After hours of driving, we finally arrive. I didn't know the place ti'll the handsome man started speaking, we still didn't got out from the car as she spoke. "Okay everyone, we've finally arrive". I gently wake up Love as she surprised me smiling and telling me she got me, she wasn't sleeping anymore when they arrive she already wake up but pretend to surprise me, i chuckle thinking of how cute this little girl can get. I notice the handsome man glaring at me, but i ignored it as i don't want to ruin the moment. We got out of the car and realize it was one of the handsome man's family hotel. We're in Chiang Mai, wow. That's why it was a long trip, but still worth it, the beauty of Chiang Mai sigh, i'll never get tired of it. As it give me the warmth. I came back to my senses when i felt someone tapping and grabbing my shoulder as i notice love wanting to go inside with me, i chuckle as i let her pull me inside towards main door i was deeply amazed when we got inside, it's so big, spacious. Too expensive if i checked in her me without them, all of the staff quickly gathered at the center of the hotel as they welcomed as and one of the staff as i think the manager approached Mae as she guide us to our separate rooms.
Finally the tour was done and im here at my room the manager told us where our rooms and gave each of us the key, as i was paired with little Love. She was so happy, she was supposed to be paired with Mae but she pouted and insist to stay with me. The handsome man had his own room, he don't have pair as he want to be alone. While here mother was just next to our room. While the handsome man's room was across this room, i told Love that i'll get shower so she should watch tv cartoon. She nods as i turn the tv on and played her favorite cartoon.
After taking a warm shower i quickly changed and sit beside Love she was happily watching the cartoon, i told her we should get down as it was dinner time. I turn the tv off as she ran towards the door leaving me behind i told her to wait as i unlock the door and hold her hand, we walk towards the elevator as i clicked the 10th floor button, the rooftop. We're having dinner there as her mother want it to be nostalgic, and aesthetic.
We arrived at the 10th floor as we left the elevator and find them as i notice the handsome man standing beside her mom, behind them was the table full of sea foods. We waved at them as Love ran to Mae and hugged her, i walk behind her, i quickly greeted Mae, and she ask me to sit down as all of us we're already complete. We started eating and talked tons of thing, we laughed and laughed until Love was almost chocking i quickly gave her water to drink as she was sitting beside me. All of us laughed and continued eating. It became silent for a second ti'll Love, ask how many day's are we staying here. As her mother proceed to talk "We're staying here ti'll tomorrow afternoon as i still have business to do". She smiled looking at Love, i just nodd and continue eating. The dessert came as we eat again and talked about things that is positive
I was the first one to come back to our own rooms because Love was already sleepy, i carried her as she slept. I walk towards the elevator door as a man behind me silently followed me, i noticed it was the handsome man as i just ignore him because Love was deeply sleeping, i'm afraid she might cry when startle from her sleep. I was having a hard time pressing the button because i was carrying Love ti'll the handsome man clicked the 5th floor as the elevator starts to run. It was deadly silent, the elevator was filled with silence and awkwardness as it's just the two of us and yes Love so three but she was deeply sleeping. I just prayed to reach the 5th floor so i can already enter my room.
And finally i think God has heard me praying, as the elevator opened and i quickly got out and walk towards our door room, i unlocked it and enter the room as i forgot to closed it again, because i was too anxious that i might wake this cutie up, i slowly put her in bed and put blanket on her as i notice the door. I walked towards it ready to close it but suddenly someone stopped it by putting his hands at the handle he pushed it as he got in, it's the handsome man. I ask why he enter. He ask me to come with him as he don't want to disturb Love sleeping peacefully. They got out, as he was not expecting when handsome man pulled his hands as they got into the room across his. He resist as to questioning him, why he want him inside, but Tinn ignored him as he continue pulling him inside and pushed him at the bed as he locked the door behind him. "You'll sleep with me here, in this room. As i don't want you to disturb Love sleeping". He glared at me furiously. I glared at him too and told him how it's dangerous for love to be alone in a room. "You have a point, then i'll told mom to sleep with her, rest assured mom said she'll sleep with her. She's not in any danger". As he said reassuring me that Love will be fine. I just nod as i sit beside the bed, i ask him why he want me to sleep with him? "That's what boyfriends do, don't they? We'll be getting engaged next week remember, we'll also be married next month. We should get used to this stuff". As he sit beside me, i nod agreeing he's right, but it's still feels weird. I just throw myself to his bed as i quickly fall asleep.
Hello, i'll update this again tomorrow. If ever i can update it later them maybe i'll do, thank you for sticking with this story ti'll this chapter everyone!^

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