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Your head seemed to hurt really bad and you groaned in pain as your eyelids slowly fluttered open. It took you a while till you got used to your surroundings and if your head wasn't hurting so much you would've thought that you were dreaming. As you brought your hands to your forehead you saw that your hands were bound together and as your gaze wandered down to your legs you could see that the same had been done to your legs.

The events that just occurred flashed through your head. Falling down a hole, that weird little guy named Doppio, the invisible man who captured you and knocked you out. It was a lot to take in.

Deep breaths left your lungs as you tried to calm your heart rate. You could hear the blood rushing in your ears. This entire situation felt surreal. Why did you even follow the frog? What did the 'Boss' as Doppio called him want from you? Who was that invisible man?

Suddenly there was a bowl in your field of view.

"Here eat."

You recognized that deep voice, it belonged to the invisible man, except he wasn't invisible anymore. Your eyes wandered up his arm to his face, only to be met with a hard stare that made you flinch. As he got out a knife you started to lose your calm again, stammering out undistinguishable phrases, before he used it to cut the ropes that bound your hands together.

"You'll need the energy."

Your captor really wasn't a man of many words and you felt like you shouldn't risk asking him questions and accidentally making him angry.

The bowl he had handed you was filled with some weird soup made out of some of the weird glowing plants and some meat, which also glowed in a weird blue shade.

"Uhm wha-"

"It's not poisoned, only some vegetables and rabbit meat."

Hesitantly you brought the bowl to your lips, only to burn your tongue. You decided to wait before trying the soup again.

"Who are you?" the white haired man looked up from his bowl right into your eyes, a stare so intimidating it made you want to run away and hide in a hole.

"I mean no harm towards you, human." was all he said.

" Human?"

"You are human, aren't you?"

You nodded your head. "And you aren't?" you questioned. Aside from the faint red glow his eyes and hair emitted he seemed to be just as much of a human as you were.

"I am not from the upper ground, like you. I am an Underlander"

You were confused, what was an underlander? And why did he and that doppio guy glow and you didn't?

"Is that why you glow?"

The man looked slightly amused. It felt like you just asked a very dumb question.

"Yes that's why I glow."

He had finished his bowl setting it down on the ground, you were still slowly taking sips from yours.

"We will meet up with my team tomorrow and then we'll get you to the prince."

You choked on your soup
"Prince?" You hoped he wasn't related to the 'Boss'.

He nodded "Prince Bucciarati, it will take a few days before we reach his camp."

"Will he be able to get me home?"

There was something in his eyes as he looked at you now, you couldn't pinpoint what it was, but it made you feel uneasy. He didn't answer your question, instead he told you to go to sleep. Your legs were still tied together and you wondered if he would carry you to that camp, hopefully you'd be able to walk on your own.

The fluorescent lights of the plants grew dimmer as your eyelids grew heavier till you drifted into a dreamless sleep.

It felt like you had just closed your eyes when you were roughly shaken awake by your 'traveling companion'. You still didn't know his name and you feared asking him could anger the man.

Silently he cut the ropes that bound your legs together. After that he picked up a small bag from the ground and motioned for you to follow him.

Navigating through these unusual plants made you feel like an explorer in the Amazon rainforest, but your guide seemed to know his way around. Now you also noticed how strong some of the plants in this place smelled, it was a sickening sweet scent that you probably wouldn't get out of your clothes for a while.

More huge insects flew over your head, you could see some colorful butterflies and even an orange glowing dragonfly, which your companion mustered with suspicion.

After about an hour of stumbling over roots and moss, (well you stumbled, the man was pretty easily avoiding every obstacle) you heard someone yell in the distance. He seemed to hear it too and halted his steps while listening intently.


Yeah whoever was screaming there had a bad day. The man continued his steps towards the voice and now you began to hear more voices.

"Ghiaccio calm down, I'm sure the caddisfly won't mind being called that."

You heard another groan and some laughter. As you got nearer towards the voices there was a thick smoke, you couldn't see who those people were.

As the white haired man stepped forward into the smoke you hesitated, till you heard his voice

"Come on we don't have all day."

You took a deep breath before carefully stepping into the smoke. Keeping your eyes closed as you went towards the voices of the men.

As they opened again you were on some sort of clearing, with three tents. In front of those tents sat six people who couldn't have been more different from each other. Each of them had a weird twisted sense of fashion from what you could tell and, as far as you could see, there weren't any similarities between them.

Their attention was on you and that man who bought you there.

"It was about time you got back Risotto, any longer and we would've lost trust in your abilities." a man with a buzz cut spoke, he was grinning at you like a cat, "And you actually managed to find a human."

Now all eyes were exclusively on you. A lilac haired man licked his lips while his eyes raked over your figure. Next to him sat a bluehaired guy who eyed you with an annoyed expression.

"Pack your stuff, we'll bring them to Bucciarati as fast as possible."

Without hesitation they got to work. As they packed their things you could feel some stares linger on you.

You had noticed that they all seemed to glow in different colors. While Risotto glowed a faint red, these guys had more vibrant colors to them, one with many ponytails had a deep purple glow to him and was a stark contrast to the one with the buzz cut who glowed in a friendly yellow, which didn't seem to fit his character at all.

The lilac haired guys hair and some part of his suit had, who would've guessed it, a lilac shine to them. Just like blue haired man who's color reminded you of blueish ice.

The one who seemed to be the youngest of the group had a green light and the blonde who seemed to be like a mentor towards him had a dark midnight blue.

It only took them ten minutes to pack everything up, no one had said a word to you in that time and you wondered why everyone was acting so strange towards you.

Watching these seven people interact, you could already distinguish that Risotto was obviously their leader by the way he stood tall and confident among them. The others seemed to treat him with a bit more respect and you couldn't help but admire their ability to work almost flawless as a team.

After everyone had shouldered their bag you began to walk. This time you didn't know what would await you at your destination.

Tales Of The Underlands			 (jjba part 5 Wonderland AU) Where stories live. Discover now