The Crimson King

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"Once the Underlands lived in piece and harmony. The trade between city's flourished and the people were satisfied. My family had ruled and provided for over three centuries, they were known as just leaders who kept their people fed and happy. The animals in the Underlands were  also well cared for and there had been not a single war between the five regions since their reign began. I don't remember it clearly, I was too young when it all happened, but I was told that my father was continuing this peaceful way during his time as the King.

One day a red plant sprouted on a field in the Underlands, it is similar to the roses you know from the above from what I've heard. No one thought anything about it at first, it was just another pretty flower, till it began to spread from field to field, village to village, nothing else would grow there anymore, just the red weed, as we began to call it. No food could be provided anymore and the flower made people sick. This continued for a few months and it became a serious problem.

During this time my father was desperate, burning the plant didn't help at all, it was like it was resistant towards everything we tried.

Then a strange man came to our court, he introduced himself as a wizard who would know how to help against the red weed. My father had nothing to loose, so he heard him out.

Things got better for a short amount of time, only to get worse soon after.

You see, the wizard didn't only get rid of the red weed, he also presented a new food source to my father, again my father in his hopelessness gave him free reign and let him do as he pleased.

The new food source was a flour which was made out of the red weed without anyones knowledge. Soon people were sick again, or worse, they went feral after consuming anything containing that flour, it depended on the person. Some even developed some sort of addiction towards it.

When my father found out about that it was already too late. The wizard had already betrayed him to steal his crown. He killed my father which forced me go into hiding. Some friends and servants hid me till there someone smuggled me out of the city and to the rogue castle. Meanwhile the wizard crowned himself the crimson king.

The Red weed now grows controlled outside of city's, still serving as a food source and drug to secure his reign of terror." he spat out the last part, before his attention was back on you, watching your face closely he let a minute of silence pass before he continued.

"For the last eight years I made allies, raised an army and made friends to help me defeat this tyrant. During that time I remembered a legend, about a great and wise man, who is supposed to live beyond the mountains, far away in an old cabin with a grand garden. A man who is able to control animals and plants alike. He is known under the title 'the golden sorcerer'. I myself set out to find him, in the hopes that he could help the rebellion. And indeed, we found him, the only thing is... He is a mere boy, his magic is good, but it is not enough to defeat the King or his army. The boys name is Giorno and he is the one who told me about the prophecy and it's meaning two years ago."

This was the part were your ears perked up, you were finally getting answers! After nights of laying awake and hours of questioning.

"The prophecy says that, to find a cure to the sickness caused by the red weed we need a human on our side.

The prophecy goes 'the blood of the human will clear the soil and rivers, heal the sick and strengthen the ones who are just. The hand leading the sword to victory shall have this blood cursing through their veins.'

So we need you. But don't fret this is not some blood sacrifice, we need you to fight with us, to lend us your aid to defeat the usurper and bring harmony to the Underlands.

I sent a letter to Giorno at Rogue castle, he will arrive here in a few days. He and Fugo might have to do some tests with your blood, considering that the prophecie speaks of a cure.

I know this is a lot to take in right now and it surely puts a lot of pressure on your shoulders, but be assured that we will not let any harm come to you."

The first part sounded simple enough, letting them have some of your blood didn't sound too bad, you already lost some when you were attacked, a little bit more wouldn't kill you. The other part didn't sound that easy. Leading them to victory like their personal Jeanne d'Arc.

Hope rested on your shoulders like a heavy blanket. At the same time, what else did you expect ? This was less than you imagined, but at the same time it was so overwhelming to think about.

You noticed that the Prince was staring at you and realized that you hadn't said anything for the past few minutes, the blue color of his eyes reminded you of the ice in the tunnels: so breathtakingly beautiful that you might forget that the person behind them decided your destiny in the same way that you were determining his. Would you disappoint him, if you didn't manage to fulfill the prophecy, if your blood maybe wasn't the way to find a cure and victory?

Everyone here believed in those ancient words of an unknown person that it bordered on fatalism.

What if they had a wrong picture of you and your abilities? They couldn't just hand you a sword or something and expect you to fight. And even if Bucciarati promised you to not let anyone harm you, what worth did his promise have?

The Prince must've seen the conflicted look on your face as a soft smile graced his features before he began to speak.

"I will leave you alone for now, later someone will bring you to my tent so you can ask me any questions you have over dinner." he said that so a casually like he was talking about the weather. The fate of the Underlands, discussed over dinner.

And just like that he was gone and like he said a second before you were now alone with your thoughts and feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and panic.

A/N: Im sorry for disappearing so suddenly, but I'm back and definitely won't abandon this story

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