Pen, Paper And A Piece Of Meat

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It took three weeks for a letter to arrive. You saw it on Bucciaratis table when you sat down to eat. The handwriting looked familiar and so you guessed that it was from Narancia, probably delivered earlier this day by Aerosmith.

Your hand twitched, like it wanted to grab it, to run away to your tent and read it again and again to know how they were doing, if everyone was alright, to scan for every minor detail, every spelling mistake, every ink stain.

You didn't. This letter wasn't addressed to you and just taking it would betray the Princes trust. He would tell you about it if he deemed fit, for now you should eat.

The rations were back to soup and bread, it would take another week for the goods from rogue castle to arrive.

While holding simple conversation with Bucciarati, talking about your earlier activities with Fugo and Giorno, your thoughts, and eyes, kept wandering back to the letter, almost like it was magnetic. While you were trying to listen to Bucciaratis feedback about your training you couldn't seem to concentrate on anything else.

"Is something bothering you?"

You met Brunos gaze across the table, unsure on how to answer the Prince you decided to just brush him off, telling him you were just a bit exhausted before urging him to continue.

The Prince just raised an eyebrow at you, a small smile gracing his features: "You're curious about the letter, aren't you?"

It looked like your expression gave you away.

"I mean, I'm just a little bit, uhm, worried about them. That's all..." you managed to get out. Truth be told you couldn't sleep the first few nights without them there, not only because of the nightmares, but also because you were scared. You knew that even if you went with them you wouldn't be able to protect them or aid them in battle, but you'd feel better being by their side.

What if something happened to Risottos team or Mista or Narancia?

Helplessness would be the best way to describe how you were feeling.

"I understand that you are, but there's no need to worry, according to Narancia everything is fine. Even the others are behaving."

The others.

Since they set foot upon that ship Bucciarati had only referred to Risotto and his men as 'the others',like they weren't a part of the rebellion, like they weren't risking their life's just like everyone else.

"That's good" you murmured, taking a spoonful of soup, "I'm relieved to know that they are doing well."

You didn't say much afterwards, the entire conversation was dominated by Bruno and even when he thanked you for joining him for dinner you remained almost stoically silent.

You stomped out of his tent into the snow when you felt a breeze over your head accompanied by a whirring noise. Looking up you saw that Aerosmith was still flying circles over the camp, probably waiting for an answer from Bucciarati before flying back.

That gave you an idea.

Now you were running to Fugos tent, since he was the only person who might know where you could get pen and paper.

Not even bothering to announce yourself, you burst through the tent flaps making the boy who was hunched over a book let out a scared shriek.

"Fugodoyouknowwhereicangetpenandpaper?" the words were coming out of your mouth like a raging river.

Fugo looked at you like you had lost you mind before his expression smothed over and he asked with a sharp edge in his voice "Could you repeat that a bit slower?! "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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