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Even if you learned a few things from fighting Abbaccio the day before (who didn't show you an ounce of mercy) you still were no match for trained fighters like Narancia let alone Risotto, who had disarmed you with bare hands.

This had you wondering " where are your weapons?"

Risotto raised an eyebrow,"I barely fight with weapons."

For him that seemed to end the little exchange between you two. He took is position again and expected you to do the same, but this time he didn't out right attack. Instead he moved slow.

"Do you see how my hands are positioned? If I now grab your arm like that it's going to be useless in a fight, it's easy to disarm someone unexperienced like that."

You nodded along, listening careful as he walked you through the steps he used to render your attack useless. He explained his breathing, the position of his feet and legs. How the upper body had to twist to avoid injuries. Every detail appeared to be important. You absorbed the knowledge, trying to memorize it all.

Risotto was a good teacher, he was patient and payed attention so he wouldn't accidentally hurt you.

After you had managed to block him in one of his walk throughs you took a short break, sharing some water. You noticed that Bucciarati wasn't at training, so Abbaccio and Narancia were training together, Narancia had a hard time holding his own against the tall man. You felt a bit guilty for putting him in that position, but just like you assumed, you were learning a lot from Risotto,which led you to asking the one question that had been burning on your tongue.

"Risotto, what is your companion? The others never mentioned it, it's like they don't know it themselves."

Risotto looked at you for a few seconds, his red eyes boring into you like he tried to look for any hidden intentions you might have had. Then he sighed defeated.

"I don't have a companion," after a pause he added "anymore."

You didn't know how you should respond to that, lucky for you Risotto got up and gestured for you to join him again.You quickly followed.

During the two hours of training with Risotto you learned more than in the entire week before, you would never admit that to Narancia, who had some bruises from where Abbaccios sword hilt hit him.

The poor boy was truly going through it.

Risotto looked satisfied by his work, as he complimented how fast you had been able to learn from him.

The sun was setting over the training grounds, tinting the snow lilac and orange, just like the sky above it. As you watched the sun, you felt something cold on your nose and as your hand touched your face it was a bit wet.

It had started to snow and a small grin spread over your face. For a few minutes you stood there, your face turned skywards to feel the snowflakes falling on your face, the coolness calming your senses.

That was until you felt a snowball hit the back of your head.

When you turned around there were Narancia and Mista, each pointing at the other one with accusing fingers.

You just bend down and formed your own snowball and before they could register what you did you hit Mista square in the face. This started a small snowball fight between the three of you, everyone fighting for themselves.

You had built a small wall of snow as a shield from Mistas rapid fire attacks. Narancia was hiding behind a tent, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack. Mista was standing out in the open, vulnerable. That was your chance!
You threw one of your snowballs as hard as you could, Mista must've seen your attack coming as he quickly dodged them.

The snowball hit Abbaccio who had been standing behind him.

Wide eyed you hid behind your wall of snow, before peeping out a bit, fearing Abbaccios wrath.

Only to be met with a snowball to the face, again.

Then you heard a noise that you never heard from Abbaccio before, it sounded almost like a laugh.

Oh, he would get that back tenfold! You threw another snowball, this time with the intention of hitting him and the his laughter died out when he had snow in his mouth.

Now this meant war.

Quickly Abbaccio was involved in your little fight and no one's face stayed snow free.

As Narancia cornered you, a huge snowball in his hand, you thought it was over, you would fall in this war of snow, by the hand of the one who had been your mentor on those training grounds.

Then a snowball hit Narancia in the back of his head causing him to turn around. Behind him stood Risotto, another snowball in his hand as he grinned.

You then teamed up with Risotto for the rest of the fight, having each other's backs  when the others attacked.

There was some protest from Mista and Narancia, but that died down after they realized that they could also team up against you two.

When it got to dark to even see your own hands you decided to stop the fight and go to dinner.

The rest of Risottos crew was already seated at a table, a steaming bowl of stew in front of them. When Risotto joined them and Mista, Narancia and Abbaccio went their separate ways, you wondered where you should sit.

With the others, like you did the week before, or with the new comers, like you did while you were traveling?

You decided to sit with Narancia, Mista and Abbaccio, since you had already trained with Risotto earlier, it felt right to also spent some time with the others.

There was lively chatter in the air and you just listened to Mista and Narancia talking about various topics.

A few minutes later Fugo and Giorno joined you at the table, the latter getting an annoyed look from Abbaccio, which he ignored. Small greetings were exchanged and Giornos journey from rogue castle to the snow cliffs became the topic of the conversation.

He talked about how his companion, a bee, stayed behind at rogue castle, as they certainly weren't made for traveling in the cold temperatures. As your meal had ended you found yourself still sitting and talking with them, you asked Fugo about the history of the Underlands again, but before he could say anything he got interrupted by Narancia, who didn't want to endure another history lesson again.

Tired to no end and with a full belly you decided that it would be best to head to bed now. You bid the others a good night, before going over to Risottos table to do the same.

As you talked to them for some time you promised to sit with them at dinner tomorrow, they were just as lively as the others, even if they got dirty looks by some guards. Even Risotto cracked a joke now and then. Only Pesci was dead silent.

When you asked him what was wrong Illuso answered for him.

"He's just nervous. The Prince wants to talk about the river roads with him tomorrow. Discuss certain places that would be suitable for an attack or ambush."

"Im sure you'll be fine." you tried to assure him, "Bucciarati will  definitely appreciate your help." you smiled at him to try and ease his nerves.

Suppressing a yawn you noticed it was time to head to bed, your muscles hurt from your training with Risotto and you desperately wanted to sleep before having  to donate some of your blood to science tomorrow.

This night you dreamed a nice dream, of snow falling on your face and laughter and nice warm food.

Tales Of The Underlands			 (jjba part 5 Wonderland AU) Where stories live. Discover now