The Boy And The Dragonfly

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Narancia had been wandering through the mountains for some days now, occasionally sleeping in one of the villages. After Bucciarati had send him to patrol the borders of the mountains he had been on his way towards the camp at the snow cliffs.

The prince didn't want to risk Diavolos men finding rogue castle or the camp where they were preparing for a potential war with the king.

Narancia, with his dragonfly Aerosmith, had been the best for this task.

It had been two weeks since he had left rogue castle, which had been his home for the last two years after he joined the rebellion. He had found not only shelter, warmth and food, but also a family within its walls.

He didn't remember a time before the king took over, he was only one year old when everything happened. But the things he had to experience because of that tyrant, didn't really make him a loyal citizen.

He had been malnourished and sick when he joined Bucciarati. Back then he didn't know what drove him to join a rebellion, but he had nothing left to lose. Everyone he cared about back then had left him.

Serving under the Prince in his own free will had given him a purpose. To some extent he owed him his life.

The snow was around four inches deep as he stumped through it in some boots that were a bit to big for him, but they kept him warm, so he wasn't bothered that much.

Aerosmith was flying above him, still on the lookout for potential enemies. The orange dragonfly had become his companion shortly after he joined the rebellion. The tight bond between them rivaled even the one Mista had with his Sex Pistols.

The sun had began to sank and Narancia tightened his coat around himself. He would have to set up camp and rest soon. Just a few more days and he would be back with his friends.

Aerosmith landed beside him as he started to set up his small tent, the dragonfly had brought him some dry, wood and let out some clicks. He pet his head and tossed him a piece of dry meat.

His hands tingled as he warmed them up over the flames. The food burned his tongue a bit, but it warmed his stomach, so he didn't mind. Too tired to keep his eyes open for much longer he went to sleep in his tent.

He didn't get much sleep that night as he woke up to Aerosmiths anxious clicks.

It seemed like there were strangers nearby. When he sent out his friend to scout, he didn't return.

After an hour Narancia decided he needed to find his sometimes too stubborn companion and began packing his stuff. He knew Aerosmith didn't get hurt, otherwise he would've felt it, but not knowing were he was right now felt unsafe.

As he walked through a mountain pass he could see a fire in the distance, walking towards it he noticed the bodies of two men, one with long blond hair, the other with shorter red hair. Both of them wore the emblem of the king on their coats and had glowing blood flowing out of their mouths. A clear sign that their companions were killed, which must've weakened them enough to be attacked by Aerosmith without a chance to defend themselves.

The Dragonfly was happily feasting on one of their body's, a satisfied click leaving his mouth.

"Aerosmith!" his companion looked up at him, "Stop that! I was worried when you didn't return." Narancia reprimanded his friend.

After searching through their bags, he took some food, water, a map and other useful stuff that they definitely wouldn't need anymore.

Then he saw a letter.

It was addressed towards a Squalo. The content talked about how a group of traitors was venturing through the mountains. First Narancia thought that meant the prince, but as he continued reading (which took him a while, he still wasn't that fast at reading) he came across the name 'Risotto Nero'. For a second his eyes widened.

The rebellion had heard of the group that did Diavolos dirty work, making people dissappear and making their bodies reappear looking gruesome and mangled. The tales of the squad of the kings assassins becoming the stories mothers would tell their children to warn them about the King.

According to the letter Risotto and his men had betrayed the king and were on their way to Bucciarati, with a prisoner of the king.

Narancia knew better then to immediately assume that the assassins had just a simple change of mind, there must be a bigger motive for them to switch sides like that.

Who could be the prisoner this letter talked about? It must be someone that the king wants dead at all costs, because the letter mentioned other people who were going to be sent after them.

Risottos group probably knew he was nearby, because of Aerosmith. He was sure that for now they wouldn't attack him,if the kings men were after them.

Even if they decided to, they wouldn't gain anything from that.

As he continued through the night and at the first light of day he came across a village. Not paying it much mind he only passed through. He still had to cover some ground today and according to the letter there could be enemies at every corner. He wouldn't want to risk running into them.

The weather was good and he might be able to travel faster than he thought he would.

Even if he had lived in the snowy mountains for the last two years, he missed the place where he grew up or he just missed the feeling that place had provided, a warmth he had only felt there when he was with his mother. But after she died to the red sickness it had felt cold and empty.

When it was late noon he had come across a wooden cabin, careful he checked it for any threats, before he decided that it was time for him to rest a bit.

He had just lit the fireplace and gotten some of his food out, when he heard voices from outside. Since Aerosmith didn't attack those people he figured they wouldn't be the kings henchmen and so he had turned towards the door, not knowing whom to expect.

When the door opened he was shocked, not because of Risottos men, but because of the person who was with them, without glowing hair or eyes.

The person the king was after was a human!

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