The Underlands

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The silence during the walk didn't last long. Every minute there seemed to be another little quarrel between them, to which the blond, whose name you learned was Prosciutto, reacted like an annoyed father, reprimanding them for not being careful in enemy territory.

It didn't took long for one of them to start talking to you.

"You really are a human aren't you?" the lilac haired guy, whose name was Melone, beamed. He was definitely the one who was most excited about you being there.

You just nodded, not sure how to react to his intrusive nature.

"And what's your name?"

You mumbled your name, trying to end the conversation, Melone didn't get the memo.

"You know, I didn't think a human would be so attractive" he licked his lips again making you cringe, " Honestly I never thought I would see one myself." he trailed of.

Now that was were your ears perked up. Yes it was probably not very common for someone to fall down the entrance at the oak tree, but it must've happened at least a few times, right? Otherwise they wouldn't know anything about the world outside and the humans.

"Why is that?" you questioned.

Melone seemed surprised that you actually began part taking in the conversation. His eyes, one of them glowed a faint white you noticed, lighting up.

"For the last decade the King got to them first, well not the King personally, but Doppio." he shrugged " Don't know how many fell down these last years, but no one ever saw one. I thought humans wouldn't look that similar to us, so adorable." he mused.

"Melone leave the human alone, you're creeping them out." the one with the buzz cut, Formaggio, if you remembered correctly, called over his shoulder.

" I would never!" Melone huffed in fake offense and dramatically put a hand to his chest, "How can you think so lowly of me! I'm not creeping you out am I?" he directed his question to you. Hesitant you replied with a 'No'.

"See Maggie, they enjoy my company." he triumphantly claims

"Didn't you notice her hesitating?" the brunette chimed in.

Formaggio draped his arm over your shoulder, tugging you away from Melone.

"Come on sweetheart, I'll save you from the pervert."

With that you continued in silence, with the occasional joke from Formaggio.

The environment changed from a florescent forest, with some wildlife and giant flowers, to a more swamp like terrain. The bugs buzzing over your head were even bigger, most of them in the same greenish color that the water and trees emitted.

The smallest of the group, you had learned that his name was Pesci when Prosciutto scolded him one time, appeared to be less tense here. Meanwhile Formaggio, who was still walking next to you, quieted down a bit. He was more on edge and you swore you could see a drop of sweat on his brow.

The sounds of various birds could be heard from the trees, most sounded more like screaming and it added onto the uncomfortable atmosphere that you felt in the swamp. The air smelled foul and breathing had become harder.

Suddenly Risottos foot sunk into the ground with a squelching noise and he let out an irritated huff, before pulling it out and taking a step back.

"Be careful where you step." was all he said before he continued walking forward.

You think you saw Formaggio flinch when that happened, but you weren't entirely sure.

Pesci was walking at the front, almost next to Risotto which made you muster him with a questioning stare. Illuso who walked to your left noticed the look you gave the green haired boy.

"Pesci is from the river roads in the east, this feels like home to him."

You glanced at Illuso.

"How big are the Underlands?" you asked him. Considering there must be entire villages full of people, you came to the conclusion that it must be far bigger than only the forest and the swamp. You even began to doubt that you were still under the forest at all, considering they had something like a sun and clouds.

" No one really knows, there are many unexplored parts further in the north, most of us," he made a hand gesture towards the others, "came from the capital, before the King turned it into some lifeless shithole. Formaggio is from the dark sands."

" What do you mean by 'the capital turned into a lifeless shithole?"

"After Diavolo usurped the old King everything went to shit there." Formaggio chimed in, "But not only there, everywhere things began to go down hill. People are barely provided any real food and many became crazy or sick because of the red weeds. Almost everyone fears Diavolo and his henchmen for their cruelty."

You visibly gulped and thanked fate that you were with Risottos Team and not with Doppio.

"How did he manage to gain control of the Kingdom?"

Illuso sighed "He somehow tricked the entire kingdom, I don't know what exactly happened, but he managed to gain the trust of the royal court, made some alliances, killed the old king and forced prince Bucciarati to escape into exile when he was still a mere child. That was sixteen years ago."

As tragic as that sounded, you didn't know what that had to do with you.

Just as you wanted to ask another question, you felt the ground rumble.

The seven of them immediately took a defensive stand, your eyes darting from left to right to see where the possible danger came from.

"A the well known traitors and a... Human? Coming through my swamp, how amusing! Come closer, please!"

Slowly you took a step closer to where the booming voice came from.

"Now look up." The voice seemed to find your fearful expression hilarious.

As you looked up you were greeted with the form of a large man sitting in a tree. Well large was an understatement, you honestly didn't know how he was supposed to move looking like that. He was using a hookah, blowing the smoke down in your face causing you to cough.

"It's nice to meet a human after all this time. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Polpo."

Tales Of The Underlands			 (jjba part 5 Wonderland AU) Where stories live. Discover now