Sweet Snake

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The school was tired but loud, typical on a Saturday afternoon. Banashi was sitting under her usual tree, the smallest one in the courtyard. There's only room for one under the tree, so she knows she'll be left alone. Though now, even if she did sit somewhere else, no one would dare step near her. She's gotten into a couple fights with other students since the rumour started, only making it worse. She's won every fight, even if only barely, so there are very few if any challengers anymore. She sits silently, knees up and holding her laptop as she types and listens to generic study music to block out the world around her. She notices the shadows change slightly and looks up from her screen, then travels her sight up to the figure standing before her.
"Hi!" That smiling, freckled face was iconic. Shiloh, the sweet motherfucker he is, has come to accompany her. By now, Banashi has learnt about his tendency to suck up and lie to get his way, so she doesn't exactly like him. She sighs and takes off one ear on her headphones.
"Hey. What do you want?" She tries to get to the point, not wanting to bother with Shiloh. She groans internally as he decides to sit down in front of her.
"What are you doing?" He asks, smiling still for whatever reason. She tilts her screen back so Shiloh can take a glance.
"Homework. It's all due tomorrow but I've got no fucking clue what I'm doing. And it's not like I can ask anyone." She brings her laptop back up, saving her work with the assumption that Shiloh wasn't gonna leave for a while.
"Why not? I'm sure anyone would be happy to help you!" Oblivious, surely by choice, the optimistic phoney speaks like he's the giver of good advice. Banashi glares at him, then rolls her eyes, taking a breath.
"You've heard the rumour, I'm a bully. Everyone either wants to stay the fuck away, or beat the shit outta me. There's no way in hell I'd get help from them. Teachers suck too, don't even dare recommend that" Banashi adjusts her position, sitting with her legs out and bent to the side, her laptop closed and on her bag, and her headphones around her neck. Shiloh frowns slightly, crossing his legs and holding onto his shins.
"That isn't true though!" He exclaims, sounding sympathetic. "Why would people believe that?"
"I don't know! How did it even start?" She questions back, pretty bothered by the situation still.

"It could have been because you hit Bae." The girl looks at him sceptically after that comment.
"That was a one time thing, I've never done anything like that to him since! How did you even find out about it?" She looks at him with a sharp stare, expecting an honest response.
"Bae told us when you couldn't go to the last meeting." The freckled fuck simply answers. Sounds honest enough to Banashi, but she's not exactly happy about it.
"So Nate and Everett know too? God fucking damn it." She curses, snarling to herself. She wraps her arms around herself, grabbing at the barely existing sleeves of her shirt. "Nate's gonna hate me.. Which one of them started the rumour though?" Banashi closes up, bringing her knees back up to her chest.
"I think Travis started it after I told him." Shiloh says, completely casually, while Banashi glares at him and snaps.
"Why the fuck did you tell Travis?! He hates my guts! Of course he would start a fucking rumour about me!" The usually quiet girl barks at the sweet teacher's pet. Her stare was sharp and pissed, but Shiloh seemed to ignore it and take the point elsewhere.
"Why does he hate you?" He asks with a genuine seeming concern.
"He asked me out and I rejected him." Banashi shrugs as she answers, leaving Shiloh to just nod and accept it. She shakes her head.
"That doesn't fucking matter, why did you tell people?! You're the fucking reason I've sent four fucking people to the nurses office! They keep coming to fight me for walking near them!" It takes everything she has to not attack Shiloh in anger. He backs down slightly, looking aside.

"I was just worried about Bae-" Shiloh starts, but barely gets another noise in before he gets his head slapped across.
"I don't wanna hear it! Fuck off!" Banashi's already packing her bags to leave, putting her laptop in her bag and standing up. Shiloh tears up slightly, holding his head where he was hit.
"I'm sorry!" he quickly blurts out, but Banashi just rolls her eyes. Without another word, she storms off back to her dorm. Shiloh texts Lynn as soon as he can't see her.

What's Banashi's phone number? I need to talk to her. ;^;

It's (insert phone number)
Why do you need to text her?

It's nothing. Thank you! ^w^

Banashi looks over at her phone to a message. The breaks from her work to see who's talking to her.

Hello Banashi!

Who the fuck are you?
Wait, sorry, that was unprofessional.
Who might this be?

Shiloh :>


I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!

The entire school hates me because of you.

I can tell everyone it was a joke :<

Yeah, 'cause that'll work.
Do what you can, maybe I'll forgive you if you can fix it.

Banashi puts her phone down and continues to work, not expecting anything to come out of this.

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