Arriving Misery

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Trotting into the classroom, Banashi is met with the fact of being late. She quickly goes over to the table of boys, leaning against her usual chair.
"Sorry, I passed out after class. Woke up like a minute ago." She explains to the questioning looks.
"You're here before Lynn. Well, kind of." Everett pipes up, gesturing to the nurse's usual desk. The girl sits down with a hum, next to her friends in the group. From the other side of the table, Shiloh elaborates on what the douchey moron said.
"He was here for a bit, then suddenly left, saying he had to get someone." He says with a strange peppiness, swinging his legs. Banashi perks up at this.

"Well he obviously wasn't coming to get me, we must have a new group member. This'll be interesting." 

Right on cue, Lynn shows up

"I'm back, sorry!'' His voice fills the room as always, dragging everyone out of their own minds. All eyes are on him as he walks in, before the focus moves to a pair of orange eyes and a head of green hair. Shiloh waves cheerfully, while the others either give a quick acknowledgment wave, or barely a nod.
"Come on, sit down with us and introduce yourself." The supervisor softly orders. The new boy frowns, hanging his head to the side.
"Do I have to?" His voice is quiet and mumbly, a slight grit to it, like he's not gotten enough sleep.
"It would be preferable if you did. You'll get to know each other anyway. Just state your name, where you're from, how long you've been here, and something interesting about yourself." Everett and green hair both show their annoyance, groaning and sighing. 
"Whatever. Do you need my full name or just my first?" He asks, stalling.
"Full name please." Everett rolls his eyes, getting impatient.
"Okay," He starts with another sigh, "My name is Jeremy King, I'm just from this town, I just got here, and that's about it." 
"Jeremy eh? Basic name for a cool lookin' guy." Banashi chimes in, leaning against her elbows. Jeremy grimaces.
"Sigh.." He mutters. Lynn walks up behind the new boy and gently places his hands on his chair.
"You didn't give us a fact about yourself, Jeremy." He comments, a gentle but concerned smile turned on his lips. The green haired boy shrugs, refusing to say much more. Lynn just accepts it and moves on.
"Well, could the rest of you please introduce yourselves"

One by one, the other students list the required information, with their usual attitudes. Everett and Banashi would rather be anywhere else, Nate speaks quickly and coherently, Bae drags out his words and Shiloh all but excitedly exclaims his personal info. Afterwards, everyone falls silent, to Lynn's disappointment (and Banashi's annoyance).
"So," Shiloh starts, wanting a conversation, "You said you were already living in town, right Jeremy? Why didn't you come here earlier then?"
"My parents didn't want to lose time with me originally. But they eventually decided this school was better." Jeremy responds, his voice low and monotone. Conversation really doesn't go far with this boy. Lynn sees this and comes up with a solution
"Alright, how about this," He starts, clapping his hands softly, "Let's all split into pairs and talk one on one with our other groupmates." The response from the students is about as you'd expect. No one's exactly thrilled about it. Nate's the first to stand up, looking at Everett and nodding in a 'get up and follow me' gesture. Shiloh follows his lead and grabs Bae's hand, dragging him off to a corner of the room to chat, leaving Banashi and Jeremy at the table. She moves over closer to him so they can talk.

"So, if you were to kill someone, who would it be, and how would you do it?" Banashi asks him, hoping that something stupid as that can get him talking. Jeremy just looks at her, eyes squinted and lips slightly parted in a confused scowl. She looks back at him with a completely serious, straight face. He sighs, his voice barely making it across to Banashi.
"I don't have a reason to kill anyone, but I'd use whatever was nearby. Like a pair of scissors, or a screwdriver."
"Fair enough, whatever works," Banashi nods, actually quite interested in his answer. "Personally I'd prefer to use a blade. Like, I'd keep a sword on me, realistically. A nice sharp sword. Maybe about like, from my shoulder to my mid-upper arm. Onehanded and light, for more agile work." She goes on explaining her preferred sword to Jeremy, and how she'd plan to kill someone. She forgets to mention who it is she'd kill however, but the boy doesn't care enough to remind her. Lynn's voice cuts through the chatter, telling the group to shuffle around and talk to someone else. Bae walks over to Jeremy immediately, getting Banashi to leave. She heads for Nate, giving Everett a quick, half apology, for leaving him with Shiloh. He rolls his eyes and leaves for the freckled fuck, while Banashi and Nate find conversation.

"Do you think we'll end up having to talk to everyone? How much time do we have left?" The girl asks, glancing at the stressed controller with an annoyed look. Nate crosses his arms, his face more relaxed, but still quite irritated too.
"The meeting will end when Lynn decides it does. You'll have to talk to Shiloh." He tells her, knowing her exact issue. She groans, glaring aside at the optimistic phoney. Nate draws her attention back to him with a wave of his hand, and she looks into his eyes for a second. They both just stare for a moment, their eyes locked with each other. Banashi shakes her head and sighs, her gaze drifting to the floor.
"I wanna go back to my dorm. I've got drawings to do. Did I show you my most recent one?" She asks, her eyes darting back to him.
"I don't think you did." He replies, giving a soft smile. He likes her drawing passion, even if it's distracting for her sometimes. It's something she works on, at least. "But it's already been 5 minutes."
"Time to switch again!"

"Damnit!" Banashi snaps, crossing her arms and snarling. Nate just walks off to Bae, while Shiloh, thankfully, skips to Jeremy. Everett snatches Banashi's arm and tugs her to a corner. She yanks her arm out of his grip once she's in front of him.

"Cunt, don't do that." She snaps, crossing her arms. Though really, she's relieved that she just doesn't have to talk to the snake of the group.

"You want me to leave you available to Shiloh?" Everett barks back, rolling his eyes. Banashi glances aside and sighs, grumbling to herself.

"Asshole." She comments, smirking a bit. She can't really get angry at him.
"Whatevs" The blonde bitch just accepts it, smiling himself. "Anyway, what do you think of the new guy? I haven't talked to him yet." The two both look over to Jeremy, his arms folded on the table with his head on top, probably barely listening to Shiloh's rambles.

"He's cool. He reminds me of myself in grade five. Depressed and antisocial. Well, more than I am now, aha." Banashi smiles softly, watching Jeremy. The people who end up in this group tend to be the kinds of people Banashi likes, the only exception so far being Shiloh.

"Huh. Alright. I'll talk to him next." Everett responds after a while.

Lynn speaks up again and everyone gets to moving. Bae made his way over to the swearers, and Everett left for the new boy. Nate silently watched as Shiloh trotted over to him. Banashi leans against the wall, her arms still crossed under her chest. She looks up at Bae, standing tall in front of her. Well, he's not that much taller than her, barely an inch taller.
"Well then," the patronising sarcastic starts, "I don't suppose you're any good at conversation, are you twinkle?" Banashi rolls her eyes, her lips curved up slightly.
"Because you're so much better at it." She teases back, getting a light chuckle out of him.
"I don't go out of my way to talk to people, so I shouldn't need to start and carry the conversation." Banashi pushes herself off the wall and gets up in Bae's face, just staring at him. He's about to respond, but decides against it. He stares into her eyes, holding his usual smirk. Meanwhile, her expression is blank, as if staring deep into his soul through his scarlet eyes. They remain like that, not breaking contact, until Lynn interrupts.
"Last swap now!"

"Dang." Banashi says, finally breaking off the contest. Bae chuckles and walks off to Everett. Nate walks over to Jeremy, knowing he won't get up himself, and Banashi dreads as Shiloh approaches her, the biggest smile he can muster, without looking creepy, on his face. The unstable sceptic pushes herself into the corner, leaning against it as Shiloh begins to speak.
"Hi! What do you wanna talk about?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.
"Don't-" She catches herself- "Know. I don't know."
"Oh, well, How about-"


"Shut the fuck up."

"Okay! I'll be quiet if you'd prefer that."

The two remain in silence for a while until their supervisor finally lets them all go. Banashi swings herself off the wall and exits with her friends, using them to keep others from bothering her as she heads to her dorm. She's had enough social interaction for the week, she needs to recharge. God help her, it's only a Tuesday.

First story of the second year, they're all in grade 10 now teehee

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