Trusted Adult

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Banashi gently knocks on the nurse's office door, her eyes dragged to the floor as she waits for a response. As soon as she hears the comforting, familiar voice letting her in, she opens the door silently. She grips her bag in her hand and sits on the floor, away from Lynn.
"Are you alright Banashi?" He quickly asks, worried for his student. He stands up from his desk and approaches her. She, however, remains silent, not even physically responding. She takes out her lunchbox and starts eating, not daring to look anywhere but her food.
"Banashi, please speak to me." Lynn kneels in front of Banashi, sitting on his folded legs. He gently places his hands on his lap as the girl slouches more.
"..I'm just tired." Her voice barely gets out, like she's trying to hold something else back as she speaks. The nurse frowns, moving his hand to hold her knee, before it's swatted away.
"Do you need anything, or am I just bothering you?" Lynn keeps his voice soft. Banashi snaps at him finally, starting to tear up.
"You're fucking bothering me!" She raises her voice slightly, glaring at the school nurse. She brings her knees up, leaving just enough room between her thighs and her chest to hold her lunch. She wipes her eyes, not wanting to start crying, but being too late to stop it now. Lynn finally takes the hint and stands up, apologising and heading back to his desk. Banashi prefers being alone when she cries. There's only one person she trusts enough to let near her during these times, but she's not anywhere near them at this school. Her eyes seem dark, the grey looking almost black from the angle Lynn's seeing her from now.

Banashi keeps herself quiet, tears dripping out of her eyes, while she eats her food. She doesn't have much, so it's gone in barely a few minutes. Her tears eventually stop, letting her finally cry her face off and look up at Lynn, who has been consistently typing away at his laptop. The unstable sceptic stands up finally, packing her things in her bag. She makes her way over to the nurse and just stands behind him, watching him work. Lynn eather doesn't notice her, or doesn't mind, as he doesn't acknowledge her at all. She folds her arms on top of his head and rests her chin on it."Are you alright there? Do you need anything?" The sweet jerk asks, looking up with just his eyes, not wanting to move his head and disturb her."Yeah. I'm fine." Her voice is weak and groggy, but her words are calm. She removes her arms from his head and leans against his chair instead, barely actually putting any weight on it though."Do you mind if I ask what happened?" Lynn asks, taking his eyes off the screen and partially turning to face Banashi. She goes on to explain the situation. She vents to him, physically closing up with her arms crossed and legs rubbing awkwardly together, but keeping close to him. Lynn listens intently, nodding along and keeping quiet for her, not wanting to disrupt her. "It sounds like you have a lot going on. Do you have anyone you can talk to?" The nurse's voice was soft and sweet, holding a genuine concern."Not really.. Besides you. I don't like calling people and it's hard to vent through text, so my aunt is out of the question." Banashi explains."What about your parents?""I don't think I can talk to the dead." That one leaves Lynn quiet for a second. Banashi was making a joke of the situation, a small smirk playing on her lips, but it was still a dark turn she took."Well," He starts again, getting off of that topic, "What about your group mates? You didn't really mention them, but could you talk to them?" The girl shakes her head"Nate hates me, Everett can't be serious, Shiloh pisses me off with his very existence, and Bae'd make fun of me." Lynn frowns, sad to see her left with no one. Just before he says a word, the bell goes, telling Banashi to leave. She groans, going to pick up her bag from the corner."I'm always here when you need, Banashi. Now, have a good rest of your day. And don't forget our meeting next week!" Banashi returns a smile to Lynn as he dismisses her.

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