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The hallways were empty. Everything was made from the same white beton as the basement where Pete was kept earlier, ceiling, floor, walls... What a depressing sight.

After looking around, Pete let his head fall back on Vegas' shoulder. He walked so steadily that Pete felt almost relaxed on his back.

They walked and walked and no one spoke a word. The white hallways felt endless.

Just as Pete was about to doze off Vegas did a sharp turn. Pete almost let out a scream but was luckily able to stop himself. It was needless to say that it hurt, a lot.

Vegas had slid them into a gap in the wall that Pete had been too sleepy to notice. A group of three men ran past them only a few seconds later.

Pete let out a shaky breath. Suddenly he felt something cold press his arm. As he looked down he saw a piece of black metal, that Vegas was urging him to take. It was a gun.

"Vegas! You- how do you have a gun? What the fuck.." Pete whisper-shouted but took gun the nonetheless.

"What else did you think? I didn't come here to die. Anyway, you take the gun and I'll run, you ready?" Vegas asked as he took a stronger grip on Pete's thighs.

"B-but I've never even held a thing like this before!" Pete let out frustrated.

"You'll get it once the adrenaline kicks in!"

And then Vegas ran and Pete only managed to sit on his back and stare at the gun in his hand, knowing, that he could never use it.

Luckily there was no need for the gun.

They ran along the same white hallways for another five minutes and only came across one suit man, but Vegas kicked him hard in the stomach and they were on their way again.
"Next time use the gun or I'm gonna drop you." Vegas had said and Pete promised he would.

Vegas got them safely into some kind of a parking lot where there was one black car.

Vegas opened the backseat door and placed Pete down and buckled his seatbelt. He then got onto to driver's seat and started the car. All this in within seconds. They seemed to be in a mad rush.

Pete had never been in a car going that fast, even Porsche didn't drive as fast as Vegas was driving at the moment.

Pete couldn't get a word out of his mouth, he could only hold onto the seat in front of him and pray for Vegas not to crash.

The drive lasted close to half and hour. The scenery outside was unfamiliar for Pete from start to end. Safe to say that he had no idea where he had been and where he was now.

As soon as Vegas had parked the car he let himself sink into the car seat and let out a long breath. "I think we did it Pete."




Pete remembered when Vegas had carried him inside this huge house that was behind a group of the largest trees Pete had ever seen.

Pete had asked where they were and Vegas had only answered: "Home." Pete was carried into this room with a bed and some other stuff that he couldn't recall. After that his memory had became quite hazy.

All Pete could see right now was a dark wood ceiling. The bed was comfy and warm and the scent in the room was pleasant.

Overall he felt amazing, but... for some reason he couldn't move his body, he couldn't look away from the ceiling. Honestly, he couldn't feel his body at all. It was like his limbs didn't exist.

Frustrated, Pete just closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep again.

Pete layed awake for quite a while before he heard the door open. Pete opened his eyes immediately... still only seeing the ceiling.

Oh, it was Vegas. Of course it was Vegas, this was his home after all, wasn't it?

"G-good morning Vegas.." his voice came out as a quiet croak.

He heard Vegas walking closer and soon the boy appeared in his sight. Vegas looked a lot better. Pete wondered if he did too.

Pete cracked a little smile. "It's good to see you again."

Vegas smiled slightly as well. "I can't understand how you always manage to keep positive.." He mumbled and moved some strands of Pete's hair away from his eyes.

Pete only hummed. "How long have i layed here?"

"Two or three days now.." Vegas answered. He stared Pete in the eyes for a few seconds before he snapped away. He then disappeared from Pete's sight for a moment. When he came back he held something in front of Pete's eyes. It was some kind of a pill.
"Take this."

"What.. does it do?" The pill was suspiciously yellow and Pete wasn't sure if he would trust Vegas in medical stuff.

Vegas looked at the pill as well. "I'm not sure, I got it from my friend. Anyway, I think you should take it." Vegas moved the pill closer to Pete's face, but Pete was still doubtful.
"What if your friend is trying to kill me?"

Vegas sighed deeply, he then put the pill in his own mouth and brought his mouth to Pete's. Pete was taken very much off guard but he still allowed Vegas to slide his tongue in his mouth and the pill in the process as well.
When Vegas pulled away, Pete had already swallowed the pill.

Pete took a breath. "What was that?"
Vegas stayed close and looked him in the eye, he had that certain look in his eyes again. "Get better." He pecked Pete's lips and left.

Sigh.. Vegas always left in moments like these. Moments when something magical, different happened, when Pete's heart beated a little faster and he got his hopes up, that maybe Vegas felt the same, maybe he had felt the spark between them that Pete had..

And in moments like these his heart broke a little more again. Pete wondered if his heart would some day really shatter into pieces, if he let it get hurt like this..

Y'all know I had to include that iconic scene when I had the opportunity 😫

Also I hate to write this but the chapters are probably going to come less often now since I'm having some trouble with the writing.
Please try to understand 🙏 I'm not going to abandon this book I promise I just have to take some more time to myself and think what I'm going to do next :)

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