chapter 1 (pilot)

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You lived in the deep darkest part of the ocean, one of the very last, black-blooded trolls, you have for your whole life lived with your lusus which was an octopus, for years since you were a helpless little grub you were told to never go outside because the outside world is too dangerous for trolls with your blood. You did enjoy singing, your lusus has told you that singing was not permitted because if a black blood sang it would attract attention to other blooded trolls who would kill you. It was bedtime; you wore black comfy pj's and closed your eyes as your lusus peeked in your room to say goodnight to you, they close your bedroom door for you to sleep but you've always wanted to see the surface world. The only other trolls you've seen were a violet-blooded troll and a fuchsia-blooded troll, but only from out your hive's window, you put on some street clothes and took some small snacks for the trip.

You slip on the special black ring your lusus gave you so you can summon a weapon you prefer only for emergencies; you sneak out your window and start swimming to the surface, as you reach the surface world you poke your head out of the water finally experiencing what it's like to breathe air and not boring water. You look up at the clear night sky to the two moons now clearer than it is underwater, you smile as you have finally made it to the surface world you've always dreamed of. You slowly swim to shore and looked back out into the ocean. your thought's got the best of you, you started to sing as you watched the waves crashing onto the shore.

Eridan's Pov:

I was walking along the beach when I suddenly heard the most beautiful sound I've ever heard, it was like a magnet to me, I had to find the person singing this song, I start walking towards the sound then I start running towards it. It sounds as if it was an angel's voice singing the song, I start to think it could be black blood but there has never been one in years, they were all dead years ago. Nevertheless, I still followed the voice not even caring to be careful and not trip or get sand in my shoes, but this voice is so alluring, I trip behind a rock, but I get up I see a female troll, I never met this female or even seen her before. But her singing is so lovely, as she finishes her singing, I slowly approach her.

no one's pov:

You finish singing and notice something moving in the corner of your eyes and see a violet-blooded troll walking toward you, you got scared and start running into the forest to hide, you were very good at hiding and hide behind a huge bolder in the forest. You hear his footsteps, but slip passed him deep into the forest, you heard him again run after you like a giant meow beast on the prowl after its prey. But you feel a hand around your wrist, you stop running and turn to see his face closer noticing every detail in his face, you blush light black which surprised him that you are a black-blooded troll. He gave you a perverted grin you yanked at your wrist for him to let you go but he had a good grip on you "let me go," you said "wwait! wwhat's your name?" the violet roll asked you.

"M-My name! you're the one grabbing my arm and won't let go and you're asking my name!" you said as the violet-blooded troll let you go "ok, I let you go, noww tell me your name," he said, you rubbed your wrist and looked up at the violet blooded troll. "Y/n," you said as you moved your hair so you could see "Eridan, Eridan Ampora," he said as he went to give you a handshake, but you were confused. "WWhat? you'vve nevver heard of a handshake?" Eridan said "is something supposed to happen?" you asked "wwell yes, it's a handshake," said Eridan "nothing's happening?" you said confused. "No, I need your hand first," said Eridan as you give him your hand and you both shook hands, you both looked at each other and blushed a bit but you both looked away and kept your hands to yourselves.

"So, wwhy are you hear?" Eridan asked "I've lived at the bottom of the ocean for years, so this is pretty much my first time being on land," "Oh, I'm surprised you can wwalk normally on land since you'vve nevver been on land before," said Eridan. "Thank you," you said "You evver met the other trolls here?" asked Eridan "wait! there are others?" you said, "well yes, but currently we also have some humans too," said Eridan "Humans?" you said. "Yeah, the Rose human tells me that they are pretty much descendants to ape beasts on their home planet, an evvolvved vversion if you think of it," said Eridan. "Oh," you said as you understood Eridan in the conversation of humans. "So, you wwanna meet the other trolls and the humans?" asked Eridan "Sure," you said "ok, but keep up with me y/n," said Eridan as he led the way to the other trolls, you followed him, you saw a few trolls some playing fiduspawn others talking to each other. You looked at them all and hid being Eridan being shy and all, they all look up and see you "who iis she?" asked the yellow blooded troll "Evveryone, this is y/n, she's lived under the ocean for a long time," explained Eridan as you shyly waved hi "Why show up now?" asked Sollux "My lusus says that the outside world is to dangerous for me and that I might be killed," you said as you looked down at the ground "Well, your safe here now," said the jade blooded troll as she pets your hair calming you "but not for you all, my lusus is very dangerous, she is a giant octopus "you mean like the kraken?" Said the male human with the blue cap "kraken?" You replied "yeah it's a giant sea monster that eats ships whole," said the male human in the blue cap "wait...ain't that in pirates of a carribean?" Replied the male human in a red and white t-shirt

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