The Next Chapter •1

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You sat patiently on the arm of your couch, staring at your door with expectant eyes. Moments passed slowly before footsteps neared outside and the doorknob turned. You stood up quickly, and when the door opened, the man that walked in was immediately hugged excitedly.

"Hi, Darling," Rui's warm voice greeted, lowering his face into the top of your head as he closed the door behind him. He kissed your hair, then pulled away from you. He dropped his bag next to the couch and picked you up into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist and nuzzled into his neck.

"I missed you."

"I was only gone for one class," he chuckled.

"Too long..."

He laughed some more and brought you over to your couch, laying you down on your back and hovering over you. He looked into your ecstatic eyes for a moment, then leaned down and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck to hold him there, smiling against his lips.

"I love you," he sighed, pulling away for only a moment. You giggled happily into his mouth.

"Love youuuu."

Once he'd had enough, he pried your arms from his neck and left to go to the kitchen, with you whining about how you weren't done yet. He came back with a box of cheezits and lifted up your head so he could sit under it. He played with your hair once your head was in his lap, and you forgave him for earlier. He turned on the TV and found something to watch.

"What are we gonna do today?" You asked, looking up at Rui.


"We do enough of that," you groaned.

"I know, right? We're living the life!"

You huffed, then continued to watch the TV. You spent the rest of the day lazing around, or rather 'relaxing'. You fell asleep on Rui's lap at one point, then woke to find your human pillow was gone and was now napping on top of you. It was comfortable to be in his arms, yes, but he had you pretty much pinned, and you were thirsty.

"Ruiiii." No response. "Rui." Still nothing. "Hey, love of my life?" You tilted your head so you could see his face. Well, he definitely wasn't faking. Damn, how were you going to get up?

Just then, Lucky came slinking into the room, clearly having just woken up herself. You leaned a hand over the edge of the couch and snapped, catching her attention. She trotted over and brushed against you. You gave her a few pets, then got her attention again.

"Lucky, psps, hey." She climbed up the couch and stood in front of your face, sniffing at your nose. "Can you get me a juice box?"

She meowed, then hopped off the couch, walking quickly out to the kitchen. You heard her as she struggled to pull a juice box out, then came back around the corner to give it to you. As it dangled from her jaws, though, the straw came up and poked her in the nose repeatedly. It frustrated her to the point that she dropped the juice box in the middle of the living room and started chewing angrily at the straw.

"No, Lucky!" You whispered desperately, but she was too preoccupied now. You sighed, deflating. You just wanted something to drink...

Rui shifted tiredly, and one of your hands moved to rest on his head. He murmured something in his sleepy state and nuzzled into you, arms pulling him closer.

"Rui I'm thirsty."

"Me too," he mumbled.

"Do you want a drink?"


"Let me up and I'll get us something."



"Just have Lucky get some."

"I tried, she's currently tearing my juice box to shreds."

He looked over at the floor, seeing said cat doing exactly that. He sighed, got up, and went to the kitchen. He soon came back with two juice boxes. He threw one to you, then grabbed the one off the floor and threw it away before it could drip everywhere.

"Thank you!" You sat up, stabbed the straw into the juice box, and took a sip. Rui soon came over to join you, sitting next to you. Your show was still playing on the TV, though several episodes ahead. Not that it mattered. It was at least your third watch-through.

You felt a teasing hand trail up the side of your thigh. Deadpan, you flicked it, and heard Rui chuckle off to your side. He shifted, his arms wrapping around the top half of you. One arm slid under your breasts, pushing up on them. He giggled goofily.


"Whaaaaat, I'm just hugging my Darling," he sighed, nuzzling his nose into your shoulder.

"Don't play dumb."

His hand slid up to one of your mounds, cupping it and squeezing softly. Face growing red, you shoved his hand away. "Enough."

"Nooo, you're just saying that 'cause you like it too much."



He lowered his arms, keeping them wrapped around you. You half-cuddled him as you continued watching your show.

"You should take your shirt off," he breathed, tugging at the bottom of your shirt for emphasis. You shook your head, but that simply gave him a reason to slip his hand under the fabric and up your stomach. His hand continued, up and up, until it reached the bottom of your bra. A single finger poked under the edge of it, and that's where you stopped him, grabbing his wrist.


"Okay, okay, I'm done."

"For how long, I wonder."

"Until we go to bed." He let out a long exhale, deflating into you. You sighed. "Awe, don't sound so disappointed," he whined.

"I'm not." You just knew that you would be...

"If you say so. You tired?"

"A little."

"Well, time for bed then, huh?" He asked happily. You rolled your eyes.

"Once this episode's over."


You continued cuddling your lover as the episode came to an end.

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