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Rui hummed, jabbing his straw into his juice box.

"Stop avoiding me. What's wrong?"

He tried to meet your eyes, but it was obvious he was struggling. "Uh, well... you're..."

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Your eyes widened. "I swear, I didn't mean to! I'm sor-"

"No, no, it's nothing like that," he waved his hands. "It's just... um... I dunno how to say it..." He fidgeted with his juice box.

"Is it my teasing?"

"Well... yeah, but..." His face reddened once again.

"C'mere, honey," you opened your arms for him and he crossed the room to you, setting his drink on the arm of the couch and sitting next to you, head resting against the front of your shoulder. "What is it?"

"You scare me because... what you did felt really, really good... and..." he was clearly struggling, and you rubbed his back soothingly. "I don't think I can handle it if... you do it again."

"Ah, so my teasing's turning you on?" You tried not to sound too amused, but you had to admit, it was a little intriguing.

"Well, it would've."

"Don't worry, I'll give it a rest. You just tell me, okay?"

He hummed, and you pecked the top of his head, patting it a few times. He exhaled, wrapping his arms around your waist. You held him for a moment, until he lifted his head and kissed you softly on the cheek. He then smiled and pulled away, checking his phone.

"We should get to bed soon. We have class early."

"Hm, we should. You tired now?"

He nodded.

"Alright, then." You grabbed the remote and flicked the TV off. "Let's go."

You followed him down the hallway to your room, then did as you usually would, pulling your top layer of clothes off to get ready for bed. When you turned to Rui, you found him staring at you.

"Oh, sorry, did you want me to stay dressed tonight?"

"N-no, no, it's fine. Didn't mean to stare."

"I don't mind the staring, what matters is that you're ok."

He assured you he was as you climbed under the covers. He soon joined you, pulling you to his chest and holding you. This way, he felt less scared. Maybe it was how he felt he was protecting you, that he had a little control over the situation.

That was it. That was what scared him. The fact that he lacked control over himself—lacked discipline. With everything being so new and overwhelming, he had nothing to hold onto yet. That was what was wrong. He felt weak.

So, as he dozed off holding you tightly, he reminded himself how strong he really was. Not to boost his ego, of course, but to tell him he could get through this fear. He could control himself. And he would.

The next morning, both of you woke to your alarm, groaning and getting up. You could tell Rui clearly felt better, acting much more optimistic than the evening before. He was never a morning person, but he made a point to smile at you every day, kiss you and wish you a good morning. This one was no different.

You both got up and dressed for the day, making a quick breakfast and walking to campus together. When it was time to split off, you went to your respective classes, promising you'd wait for him once your class was done.

That was where you found yourself now, in the middle of your college english class. It wasn't terribly hard. Not easy, by any means, but it was nothing like calculus. You couldn't focus for shit on your essay, with how bored you were. You watched the clock tick by slowly, waiting until you could go get some fresh air and worry about your essay in the comfort of your dorm with Rui. When that time came, you were one of the first people out the door, despite being half the room away from it. You walked towards Rui's class and sat on the bench outside the door, relaxing on your phone. The bell soon rang, and you searched the exiting people for your boyfriend. You found him, chatting casually with an acquaintance you recognized as a project partner. He waved them off and came over to you. As you were about to stand from your seat, however, he sat next to you, groaning in relief.

"Tough day?"

"No, just... tedious. The guidelines for our presentation are super cutthroat. It's bothersome."

"Well, let's go home and relax. Drink some soda and play some games."

"Ohh, candy for lunch again?" He smiled.

"No, we need to have decent food. I was going to stop by the Arby's next to the automotive building. Interested?"

"Mmmm, yes. Let's go," he hummed, then got up, grabbing your hand and helping you up as well. You walked to the Arby's, got your food, and took it home. You ate it on the couch as you booted up your gaming console.

"Watcha thinking? Mario? Animal Crossing? Minecraft?"

"Phasmaphobia," he spoke maliciously, and you rolled your eyes.

"Fine, but if I scream and your ears start bleeding, I'm uninstalling it."



Plenty of horror gaming later, you were both half-way through the afternoon, looking for something to do.

"You have those two classes tomorrow, yeah?" You asked. He nodded.

"Mhm, and that's the day you have that one class in between?" You also nodded.

I may have a surprise for you when you're walking to class, so make sure you come early," he spoke darkly.

"You want me to come when your class ends?"

"No, no, give me a little time. I'd say leave here about the time my class ends. Then I should be alright."

"You've got me intrigued, Love," you sighed as you leaned over and pushed Rui down, snuggling in on top of him. You let your hand run up and down his side and some of his stomach aimlessly as you cuddled in, slipping under his shirt. Your fingers occasionally broke his waistband, and you clung to it, thinking nothing of it. Rui was a bit different.

He felt the slightest panic rise in his chest as the feeling of your hand at his waistband. At any second, you could tug and have him in the perfect position for whatever a blow job was. He started watching your hand more than what he'd turned on the TV, until you laughed at something he'd missed.

"Aha, that joke was terrible!" You looked up at him, seeing just the slightest crack of a smile on his face, and you frowned. "Hey, what's got you so distracted?"

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