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You hugged yourself in fear, staring down at your knees. Rui came over to you, sitting next to you. He slid his hand into one of yours gently, whispering how you'd be okay. When you'd calmed down, he laid down with you, as if you were just going to cuddle. The only difference being that he had his head nuzzled into your stomach, rather than your chest. Your legs were wrapped around his torso instead of his thigh.

"Are you okay?"


"Still want me to go through with it?"

The heat boiling inside you had become too much to ignore. "Mhm."

Rui gave you a caring look, rising to give you a quick kiss, then returning to nestle between your legs. He pulled your thighs over his shoulders, then hooked his fingers into the waistband of your pants and hesitantly started pulling. You helped him to get them most of the way down your legs. With them out of the way, he nuzzled his cheek into your bare thigh, smiling.

"So soft."

You let out a quick breath, glad he was trying to break some of the tense fear in you. He kept pressed to your leg for a few moments, kissing your skin gently when he pulled away.

"Still okay?"

You nodded, and his hands grabbed your hips, massaging them and watching you slowly calm down more. Once he was sure you were calmed down enough, he slid his fingers under the fabric of your underwear and tugged them down. The part of you that was still scared was starting to accept things, and your yearning was gaining enough to outweigh it.

He looked over what he had uncovered for a moment, then recalled your explanation of things. He pressed one of his fingers to your folds, trailing it up until it ran over your clit, then pulling away. You tensed lightly.

"Am I doing this right?"

You giggled. He'd hardly done anything at all. "Yes, you are."

He did the same thing again a few times, exploring a bit with your nether regions. It started to remind you a bit of the first time he'd left hickies on your neck, kissing gently and looking for where you wanted them most. You noticed that was exactly what he was doing when his finger trailed to your clit again and stayed there, circling slowly. You let out a heavy breath, the rough drag of his finger making you involuntarily tense.

"R-rui, wait," you breathed out, about to reach for his hand. He pulled it away, looking up at you.

"What is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's just that... your finger's a little too... dry..."

"It doesn't feel good like that?" He deduced. You nodded, and he kept note of that. He licked the tip of his finger, then found your clit again. "Better?"

Unimaginably. You felt one of your hands grip lightly into the fabric under you, head leaning back. "Y-yeah... yeah, it is."

You swore you heard him laugh fondly, but the sound of your own breathing was soon getting too loud. He kept circling, enough to make you feel good, but not to bring you to orgasm. His finger soon left, trailing back down your dampening folds. You could feel his finger growing wet with the heat of your arousal.

He curiously asked about it, and you bashfully answered. He understood and explored more of the liquid that was beginning to pool out of you. Once he'd had his fill, he returned to your since neglected clit, adding more pressure and circling a little faster, now that he was growing more familiar. You could feel your climax building.

You reached down, grabbing Rui's wrist gently. He stopped, and you felt a whine emit from your throat.

"D-don't stop. Please."

He continued. "Is anything the matter?"

"No, just..." you didn't quite know why you grabbed his wrist. You just wanted to feel him, and regain a sense of control.

He seemed to read your mind, chuckling as she slid his free hand under your fingers. "Ah, did my darling just want to hold my hand?"

It felt nice, you'd admit, holding his hand. He smiled, then playfully rubbed a few quick circles into your clit, making you flinch with a choked whimper. He laughed at your reaction, returning to a slightly faster pace.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this."

You couldn't think to respond, mind too foggy. You'd started voicing quiet moans with every exhale, stomach slowly tightening. Your hips had started rolling, and he recognized the movement, being the thing to cause all this.

"Feeling good, Y/n?" He cooed. He hardly ever called you your name anymore, having a petname for every occasion. To hear him say it again made your heat rise more. "Getting close?"

With a desperate hum, you nodded your head, gripping his hand. He felt how yours trembled. Thinking back to your explanation once more, he pulled his finger away, but was met by your sad, near panicked sounds, and your hand reaching for him.

"N-no, Rui, please-!" As you whimpered out to him, however, you watched his hand move to your thigh and his face move to replace it. As soon as you felt his tongue on your throbbing clit, your whole body tensed, a surprised squeak leaving your lips.

Long strings of shakey moans and pleads tumbled off your tongue, unable to be held back. He licked and sucked on your clit as if he'd done it a hundred times over, and your hands found his lilac locks, sliding through and tugging lightly on them. He hummed at the sensation the way he always had.

You were nearly there, moans full-volume and legs trembling in Rui's hands. Your hips continued to roll against his face, though stuttered. You could barely feel, through the fogginess filling your head, when one of Rui's hands left your leg, and two of his fingers slipped into the hot liquid starting to drip from your cunt and curled up into your g-spot. Your back arched and loud squeals left you as you writhed through your orgasm. Your legs clamped around Rui's head, hands tugging harshly at his hair, but he didn't stop.

When your orgasm passed, leaving you gasping for the air you lost moaning, you started to relax. That is, until Rui didn't stop or slow down, and overstimulation started to set in, having you writhing again.

"Hah, Rui! Sto- ah- op!"

With one last, long lick up your heat, he pulled away. You shook in his hands, and he chuckled before rising to lean over you.

"You okay?"

You nodded eagerly, holding your hands out desperately for him. He gave you a look of adoration, then laid down next to you, pulling you close. You shook in his arms, and he ran his hand across your skin soothingly.

"Are you sure?" You nodded again, pressing your face as far as you could into his chest. He squeezed you in return, chuckling quietly as he rested his face in your hair. "Do you need anything? Water? A snack?"

"No, just... stay here."

"Okay, starlight."

A New Season | Rui Kamishiro x F!Reader (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now