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"Time for sleepy," Rui cooed, pulling you up from your seat with him.


"Me too."

"No fondling."


You hadn't really meant it. Try as you might to hide it, Rui had come to see you found it endearing.

He walked to your room with you, arm wrapped around your waist and keeping you close. Once in your room, you undressed, throwing your clothes from the day into your hamper in the corner. You turned to Rui, watching him tie his sweatpants with your hands on your hips. A realization came over you.

"Hey, why am I the only one that sleeps half naked?"

"What, do you want me to undress too?" He titled his head, grinning at you.

"That's... that's not what I'm saying," you shook your head. You walked past him to your bed, laying down and throwing the blanket over yourself. You snuggled into the mattress, then looked at Rui.

You were surprised to see him crawling over you, but stopping to hover on top of you. You rolled to look at him, flustering at his dark expression.


"Hi, honey," he breathed out seductively, lowering down onto you. He kissed you, slowly at first. He held himself up with one elbow next to your head while his other hand ran up your side. You wrapped your arms around his neck while his hand slid up, steadily, as you were distracted by his lips. It reached the strap of your bra, thumb slipping under and following it around to your back. Then, his finger ran back up, just barely finding it's way into the cup of one of your breasts.

You hummed shakily, feeling his thumb run across its underside. He ventured no further, retracting his hand when he was satisfied with how worked up you were. You pulled away from his mouth.

"You're a tease."

"Me? Never." He laughed darkly, then slid his hands under your shoulder blades, pressing his chest to yours. "I love you."

He didn't give you a chance to respond, pressing his lips to yours again. He slipped his tongue slowly into your mouth, as well as his leg between yours. You wrapped your calves around his back and felt him exhale quickly as a result.

"Y/n," he sighed out, retracting his tongue and pulling away. Then, he shoved his head into your neck, nibbling on your sensitive skin.

"Ruiiii," you cooed. He sighed again, warming your skin. The sound, along with his attacks to your neck, warmed your chest. The feeling fluttered down, and down, somewhere dangerous in you.

Soon, Rui pulled away. His lidded eyes were surprised and his breathing was unstable. You only realized when you felt your hips roll against his thigh again. How long had you been doing that?

"Um... maybe we should pick this up another time," he whispered bashfully, turning his head away. Your face went beat-red.

"Yeah, haha... sorry."

He climbed off of you and flopped down at your side, then wrapped his arms loosely around you and stuffed his head into your chest. "G'night, Darling."


You couldn't sleep for a while. That scenario... it'd happened at least three times before just now. It was almost like it was becoming more frequent. Every time, Rui had stopped and backed off, like he was scared. It made guilt bubble up in your chest.

You realized, since you were still awake, Rui must be as well. He usually waited until you were asleep to sleep himself. He was good at pretending, but that couldn't fool you anymore.

You pressed your face into the top of his head and let yourself doze off. The next morning, you woke up to your alarm, as you always did. You got up, got dressed and ready, and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Moments later, two arms wrapped gently around your waist, and a head rested on your shoulder.

"Go back to sleep. It's your off day."

"What? Can't I see my dearest off to her class?"

You finished your eggs, scooped them onto a plate, then cracked a few more into the pan.

"Ah, you're making me some too?"

"Of course."

"Yay." He nuzzled his nose into the nape of your neck. "Your cooking. Mmm."

You laughed to yourself, stirring his food. With a quick kiss to your cheek, he left, grabbing a juice box on his way to the livingroom. You soon finished cooking and brought both of your breakfasts out to the couch.

Rui hummed, taking his first bite. "Delicious. As always, my dear."

"They're just eggs."

"Well, I'd much prefer this over raw."

You continued eating until your phone began to ring. You sat your half-empty plate next to you and answered. Rui tried to listen, but all he could hear was mumbling and your vague responses. Then, you sat your phone down, smiling.

"No class today."

"Oh, fun fun." He leaned over, resting his head on your thigh. "I get you all to myself, then, hm?"

"Mhm." At that, last night came to mind again. You replayed it through your head, cheeks growing hot. "Hey... Rui?"


"About last night..."

"What do you mean?"

"Y'know... before we went to sleep."

"You can be blunt with me, Y/n. No need to beat around the bush." He sat up, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and peppering your cheek with kisses. You felt his other hand knead your thigh softly, making you uneasy.

"And how would you want me to say it anyway?"

He placed a few more kisses to your cheek, then sighed out a laugh. "I suppose you're right."

"Anyway, um..." You shuddered as he started kissing down your neck. "That's been happening a lot, don't you think?"

He paused again, though he'd stopped smiling this time. "I... I guess, yeah. What about it?"

"Don't you think we should talk about that kinda... stuff?"

"Oh." His arms pulled away, hands sitting in his lap. "Yes. We should."

"Is something wrong? I don't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, you're fine. You're right, we should talk about it..."


Next chapter bc my friend's server got nuked (rip 😔😔)

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