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"Nothing," he tried casually shaking his head. You furrowed your brows.

"Rui, what was the joke?"

"...I missed it."

"I know," you sat up on his thighs, hand finally leaving his waistband. You crossed your arms. "You would've loved it."

"Can we rewind, then?"

"Only once you answer my question."

"It's nothing, Darling. I was just thinking about what I'm going to do for my project." As he spoke, he felt his eyes trail down your body. They lingered where he could make out your hips under your baggy hoodie, and your thighs where they rested on either side of his. Since when was your body so attractive...?

"And me, I'd assume?"

His eyes shot back up, seeing your amused expression. "You... what?"

"Thinking about me, aren't you? If you weren't it seems like you are now."

"Well, yeah. Wh-who else would I think of?" He tried to joke, but you shot him down, shaking your head.

"That's not the point I'm trying to make, here." You leaned down, face hovering close enough to his to share breath. Rui stared back, eyes just slightly wider than usual. As you refused to kiss him, you grabbed one of his hands and rested it on the bottom of your thigh. You could see when he got distracted, eyes glazing over just a little as his hand slowly trailed upwards and his mind stationed in the feeling, rather than in his eyes. His fingers slid up to your waist, feeling how nice it was, how it fit perfectly in his hand. He continued up and under your hoodie and shirt, until he hit your bra and paused, then returned back down. With a chuckle, you finally pressed your lips to his as you grabbed his other hand and rested it on your other hip. He continued feeling you now as you did the same, rucking up his shirt so the cooler air of the room could touch his stomach, along with your hands. After a few moments if this, he seemed to snap back to reality, and lightly pushed you away.

"I-I need a break," he huffed out shakily. As you got off enough he could get up, you were going to ask about it. You knew why he needed a break, you just wanted to tease him about it. Recalling yesterday, however, you decided against it.

You moved over to sit where he'd had his head at, hoping he'd lay against your lap again. He was hesitant, and sat down next to you instead, a few cookies in hand.

"We have cookies?"

"Yeah, freshly opened. Want one?" He took a bite and offered you one, but you reached for his chin, pulling his face to you, and you kissed him. Your tongue slid into his mouth, pulling some of the cookie into your mouth. Then, you pulled away, munching on it.

"Mm, tasty."

You made a surprised noise as he pulled you to his chest, heart beating quickly against your forehead. As he held you, it slowed, until he let go of you, sighing.

"What was that about?"

"It was something I found out last night. I just wanted to test it again."

"What is it?"

"Well, holding you like that... it keeps me from getting overwhelmed."

"Awee," you cooed, crawling closer to him. You nuzzled your face against the front of his shoulder. "You can hold me like that whenever you want, Ruru." His hands slid around you, pulling you closer as you crawled into his lap. "Sorry I've been teasing you so much. I guess it's just more opportune with how flustered you've been since yesterday."

He hummed, resting his head on top of yours and relishing the moment. You murmured out an 'I love you' and crawled fully into his lap, facing him and straddling his thighs. He held your waist close to him and nuzzled against your hair, returning the affirmation.

He stayed there, feeling nothing but love for you, until he felt your hips roll against his, the smallest bit of warm pleasure pooling low in his stomach.


"That feel good, Rui? It isn't scaring you, is it?"

Oddly enough, not nearly as much as he would've expected. There was a tinge of fear in him, yes, but the feeling of arousal and your hips grinding greatly outweighed it. He let his eyes trail down you again, losing focus at your lower half's rolling and feeling his insides roast at the sight. He found, in his growing want for you, that his hips started to move too against the couch. He tried to meet your pace, body stuttering with the pleasure.

Your head lifted, finding his neck and kissing it gently. He whispered your name again, and you whispered his, effectively making him feel the way he had holding you. Soon, he heard a quiet giggle emit from you.

"I can feel you throbbing," you spoke darkly. He shuddered, exhaling shakily. Your hips pulled away, and he could feel himself aching in his now too tight pants. You got off of him, placing a few kisses to his lips, then got down between his knees, spreading them so you had room in between. He watched breathlessly as you reached for his waistband, asking for permission. He nodded his head, but you shook yours.

"No, no, Honey, that's not good enough. You have words. Use them."

"Yes, y-you can," he sighed out. "Please."

You chuckled as you unbuttoned his pants and tugged them down. "Please what, Ruru?"

"Please, just... touch me."

You pulled his boxers down his thighs as well, smiling. "Of course, Sweetheart."

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