23 - loverboy scheme

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I was able to wear my black turtleneck and hide maybe 85% of the bruise, which was now a dark purple. The rest I attempted to cover with concealer. It didn't quite work all the way, but it would work as long as no one asked questions. Thankfully, I wouldn't be around enough for anyone to ask any. Noel, Mischa, Laura, and I were going out for dinner. We were going a bit crazy from constant exposure to Ocean and we all needed a break. Father Marcus' rule for going out was that we had to be with at least one other person, lest we get lost. Mischa and I were walking around the city for a bit before eating. It wasn't the most pleasant, given the cold temperature, but it definitely wasn't as cold as Uranium City.

It was all going well, laughing and talking, until two girls about my age, giggling and shoving each other, approached us. Well, Mischa specifically.

"Um, hi!" One of them laughed, while her friend gave her a look that made them both break out into another fit of giggles.

Mischa waved, unsure of what to do.

"My friend thinks you're really cute and wants to get your number!"

I mean, that's understandable. He is very attractive. I wasn't going to make a big scene because I knew Mischa well enough to know he'd handle the situation well.

He kind of just stood there and didn't say anything for a few seconds. The poor boy had no clue what to respond with.

He finally opened his mouth. "Well, you see, I-"

Mischa didn't finish his own sentence. He instead pointed to me. "Girlfriend. Yes."

She nodded. "Oh! So sorry about that."

"You're good," I smiled and turned to the other girl. "I don't blame you. You've got good taste."

The girl who wanted his number nodded. "Actually, you're super pretty. Can I get your number instead?"

Mischa's jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me?"

I patted his arm affectionately. "It's okay. You're pretty, too."

"I know that, it's just-"

I laughed at his response and he held up a finger, glaring.

"-It's just that I already said that she is my girlfriend. You don't respect it?"

She shrugged. "I might as well try."

Mischa furrowed his brows. "Hm. Well, we have to go. Have a nice day."

He took a hold of my hand and we continued walking to the restaurant.


Unfortunately, Laura existed and was more observant than Father Marcus. It was going to be harder to brush over her questions. It's not like Noel would help me avoid them, either. He was a little snitch sometimes. He always has been. In second grade, I jokingly asked him if he were stupid after he accidentally colored the sun blue. Noel immediately told the teacher. He wasn't even upset, he was just a snitch.

Mischa and I sat down across from Laura and Noel at the restaurant.

"I like your shirt," Laura said, nodding to it.

"Thank you. I'm not wearing it for any particular reason. I just really like it and it's chilly out."

Mischa shot me a look, simultaneously meaning 'What the hell?' and 'Shut up already!' He patted my arm.

Laura was perplexed, and Noel was desperately trying not to laugh. He didn't even need to rat me out. I was doing it to myself. The waiter came over to our table before anyone could say anything.

"What can I get you to drink?"

I immediately looked over to Noel, whose eyes were wide. Was he blushing? Yeah, probably. That waiter had the cutest little French accent. Noel was still sitting there, dumbfounded. Laura elbowed him.

"Oh!" Noel cleared his throat. "I'll have a black coffee."

"Could I have a glass of that cabernet?" Laura asked.

"I'll have what she's having."

We all looked at Mischa incredulously.

"I'm afraid we can't serve alcohol to people under twenty-one," The waiter tried to explain.

He scowled. "That's some bullshit. Fine. I'll have a Coke."

"We only have Pepsi and Dr. Pepper products. Is Pepsi alright?"

I could see Mischa's eye twitch and his hands ball into fists. "Yes. Delightful."

"I'll have a Diet Dr. Pepper, thank you."

Noel was not-so-subtly staring at the waiter as he walked away. His eyes were practically hearts.

"Ask for his number," I told him.

He broke out of his trance, startled. "What?"

"You are practically drooling over that man. He's probably gay. You've got a good shot at him. Go for it."

"What makes you think that he is?"

I scoffed. "Please. I knew you were gay years before you did. Trust me on this one."

"How do we know he's not just European?"

"He's both, I'm sure. Shoot your shot. It's not like there are better options back in Uranium. And he's, like, your dream guy. French."

Noel shrugged helplessly. "The issue here is that I can't flirt for my life. I'm good at it in theory, not in practice."

"I can help you. I've pulled the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I have so much credibility in this conversation," Mischa piped in.

"See, you pulled her with this whole 'loverboy' scheme. That's not really my style."

"The loverboy scheme works great." He crossed his arms defiantly. "What kind of scheme are you using? Stand in a corner until you get approached? That's the worst method out there."

"Do you have a whole list on how to get bitches or something? Who made you the expert?"

"Those are some bold words, my friend, especially coming from someone who gets no bitches," Mischa corrected him.

"Fine. You win this one. What's the best method besides the loverboy method?"

He looked up for a moment, pensive. "I'd say the non-stop flirting method, but God forbid we slip to that. I almost had to. After that is the more subtle method. You drop hints but never actually explain anything. You leave them wondering and wanting more. I used a bit of that method myself."

Noel nodded along. "I like that one."

"Now we're getting somewhere. Before we leave, write your phone number on the receipt. Don't communicate your intentions behind it. Make him curious."

"Are you sure it'll work?"

"I mean, I am basically an expert. I am to be trusted with advice."

a/n: i am so so sorry for that wait. i promise i was writing. but rehearsals are really busy and now i actually have homework from classes this semester. love you guys!

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