20 - all-ears

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Winter Break was fun, but I was ready to go back to school. I was also anxiously awaiting choir class, because Father Marcus had told us about a big announcement he would make on the day we got back. All of us had theories, and the most viable one we came up with was that he's planning on retiring. Finally, it got to the class that we were all waiting for.

"I'm sure you guys are thrilled to hear what I have to say," Father Marcus told us.

I nodded vigorously.

"We had a special guest at our last concert. I didn't know it, but she was part of a nomination panel."

Everyone looked at each other, eyes wide with anticipation.

"There's a thing called the North American Youth Choral Festival. It's an event exclusive to the top choirs in North America. We learn music and perform it in The Auditorium Theatre. It's a miracle a nomination board member came to our performance."

Everyone was silent, except for Ocean.

"The Auditorium Theatre? That's the one known for its perfect acoustics, right?"

Father Marcus nodded. "That's right, Ocean."

"But that's in Chicago! In the U.S.!"

"Exactly," He explained. "We're fortunate enough to have plenty of funds for this trip. We have a flight booked for February 8th. We will stay in a hotel from the 8th to the 17th. I have a rehearsal schedule to give you once I finish explaining."

We exploded with cheers and bubbling conversation.

"-Chicago! Can you imagine?"

"-Just don't sit me next to her on the plane."

"-I've heard that the food there is fantastic!"

Father Marcus held up a hand to silence us. "We will have three rehearsals a day from February 10th to February 15th. The first rehearsal of each day is from 8:30 to 11:30. You will then be given three hours for lunch, which will be wherever you choose. The second rehearsal will be from 2:30 to 5:30. You then have three hours for dinner. The third rehearsal will be from 8:30 to 10:30."

"That sounds like a lot of work," Noel commented.

"It is. I'll hand out permission forms first, and then I'll pass out copies of the music we'll be performing."

I got out my folder to put the permission slip and music inside.

"While this is a fun trip, I will be needing parent chaperones. We have six choir members, so we will need at least two parents to volunteer to come with us."

My immediate response was to turn around to face Mischa. "Please get Laura to come!"

He crossed his arms. "You guys are together a lot. Almost like you are spending more time with her than me."

"Someone's jealous!" I sang.

He glanced away and tried to avoid smiling.

"She's not replacing you. You're always my favorite. I promise."

I held up my hand and pointed to my ring, grinning.

"Of course, love."

Ocean made a pinched-up face beside me. I looked at her.

"Everything alright?" I asked her. "I don't know why, but it seems to me like every time Mischa or I do anything slightly affectionate, it grosses you out."

Noel was apparently eavesdropping. "Yeah, Ocean. Be mature."

"It's hard to ignore the fact that you guys probably have sex like, every day or something. Are we all just going to accept that? Am I the only one who thinks it's weird? Disturbing?"

charity project // mischa bachinski (ride the cyclone)Where stories live. Discover now