31 - rigid

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Finally, it was the day of the concert. Ocean was busy advising anyone who would listen to her not to drink any dairy before singing. Mischa, being the person that he is, threatened to drink an entire gallon of milk just because she said not to.

I was in the middle of putting my concert dress on when Mischa burst in without warning. He practically launched himself onto my bed. I quickly covered myself with my dress in front of me.

"I'm in the middle of something!" I said. "Get out!"

"Red hair will not stop screaming at me! I need a break!" He exclaimed.

"That's nice, but like I said: I am in the middle of changing."

"I promise that I will not look this time."

"Stand in the corner, then."

He looked at me in disbelief. "What am I, five?"

"You act like it sometimes," I sighed, motioning for him to stand up.

"Fine, fine," He stood up and walked into the corner.

I didn't actually expect him to comply, but he did. I slipped the dress over my head.

"You can turn around now. Actually, can you help me tie the back of my dress?"

He quickly turned around to help me. As he was tying a bow in the back, he asked me a weird question.

"What would you do if I died right now?"

"Misch, I love you, but what the hell? What kind of question is that?" I almost laughed.

He shrugged. "I do not know. Just a silly 'what if' question."

"I would probably cry. If you did die, what would. e your top regrets?"

He was remarkably quick to answer, hardly even stopping to think. "Dying a virgin. That shit is sad, man. Imagine. Or dying without finishing my newest rap lyrics. They are fire, you know."

Mischa nodded solemnly, as if both of the things he said were truly devastating.

"You had that one ready, didn't you?"

"Maybe," He paused for a moment. "You can actually change the first one."

"Nice try. You're making me hope that you die a virgin. That would be so funny."

He gaped. "Funny? It is not funny! That means you would die one, too. How would you feel?"

"See, that's the difference between you and me. I couldn't care less."

"That wouldn't be embarrassing? Not at all?"

I shook my head. "No. I feel like you have an irrational fear of this."

"And what if I do? What are you going to do about it?"

"Absolutely nothing."

He ran his hands through his hair. I noticed he tends to do that when he gets annoyed.

"You are just so frustrating sometimes, I swear I could just-"

I stood there with my hands on my hips, watching as he was searching for the right words. Mischa looked around feverishly, but was still unable to say anything. He threw his arms in the air in resignation, but didn't stop there. His eyes landed on me for a quick second, and he placed a hand beneath my chin. He pulled me forward. My bottom lip was caught between his two lips in a matter of seconds, which took me by surprise. He immediately pulled away and brushed his hands off on his jeans.

"Ah. That is it."

"You can't just do that!" I protested.

Mischa crossed his arms. "Do what?"

"You can't just kiss me like- like that, and then suddenly stop!"

"I can't?" He raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

I could already feel the blood rush to my face. "I don't know."

"Oh, I am sure that you do know. You enjoy it, no?"

"I... no.... well- yeah," I finally managed to say.

"I knew you did," A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

I snapped out of whatever sort of flustered trance I'd been in. "Stop acting so smug about it, Misch."

"About what? That I can still make my girlfriend blush? No way. You can't make me."

I looked at him for a while. I couldn't stop myself as I went to kiss him, startling the poor boy so much that he fell backwards, landing on my bed. That stopped nothing, though. As his lips still moved against mine, his hand made its way to my waist and flipped me onto my bed while he now hovered over me.

"Y/n! Mischa! We're leaving for the concert!" Noel shouted. The sound of footsteps up the stairs were getting closer and closer. Mischa and I quickly stood up. Noel opened the door.

"What is wrong with you guys? Why are you standing so... rigidly?"

I looked down. My hands were at my sides in an almost military-like manner. Mischa stood frozen beside me with his hands clasped in directly front of him, the placement of which seemed oddly specific.

"What are you talking about? We're standing completely normally," I said, a nervous smile flickering across my face.

Noel looked the both of us up and down and raised an eyebrow while looking at Mischa.

"I won't tell anyone you were busy up here. I'm not Ocean. Relax, guys. Let's go. The concert is starting soon."

I instantly relaxed, but Mischa still remained rigid, and I tugged on his arm.

"Come on, Misch. We have to go."


The concert went better than I could have ever imagined. Everything sounded fantastic, and I could even see some tears in the audience. I definitely had some once we were done while saying goodbye to my new friends for the last time. Because the both of us were dressed nicely, Laura made Mischa and I take pictures together, much to Mischa's distaste. Still, he reluctantly agreed to stand beside me while Laura attempted to take good pictures.

"Tom's going to love that one. Put your arm around her! I know you love her, act like it! Good, good. Just one more..."

Mischa stamped his feet on the ground, much like the way a stubborn three-year-old would. "Laura, please! I want to leave!"

a/n: hell yeah back on the grind 💪🔥🔥 (probably not for long though. i'm going to a four week thing where i stay at a college for four weeks and study choral music. kinda scared but excited)

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