35 - completely stunned

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The week was painstakingly slow. Especially since we had to go to school and get all of our late work from the choir trip done. Eventually, Saturday was here and Mischa was probably the most excited out of anyone. Laura had also asked me to go, as well. Something about 'Being a good role model in case Mischa did something stupid'. Fair, actually. He seems like the type of person to teach children every swear word he knew, in both English AND Ukrainian, and maybe even Russian, and laugh every time they repeated what he said. I was there to make sure that didn't happen. We walked into the airport. On a bench, there sat a boy. He wore very nice clothing and held a suitcase next to him. Although he was dressed nicely and had an expensive suitcase, his expression was sullen and miserable. That sort of expression on such a young face felt like seeing a child wear their father's shirt, too big to fit their small body. While his suitcase was in one hand, he held a book in the other. It was a children's chapter book, one that was much below an eleven-year-old's reading level, but it was in English and not Ukrainian.

"Is that him?" I whispered to Laura.


Mischa heard this and immediately ran up to the poor boy, startling him. He dropped his book, and Mischa looked worried.

"Oh. I am so sorry. Are you Mykola?"

The boy looked up and nodded.

Mischa looked as if he were about to say something, but then paused. "Привіт, Микола! Я Міша. Я частина вашої нової сім'ї."

("Hi, Mykola! I'm Mischa. I'm from your new family.")

Mykola processed these words for a moment, and then his face lit up entirely when he realized that Mischa was speaking to him in Ukrainian. The sullen expression vanished from his face. "Ти... ти розмовляєш українською?"

("Do you... Do you speak Ukrainian?")

He nodded and spoke softly. "Так, yes, я з України. Ви добре розмовляєте англійською?"

("Yes, yes. I am from Ukraine. Do you speak English well yet?")

I was unsure of what they were speaking about, but the immediate change in Mykola's face when Mischa started speaking in Ukrainian and Mischa's gentleness to the boy was very sweet.

Mykola nodded. He replied in accented English. "Yes. I do know English well. They taught me in my school."

"Oh..." Mischa trailed off. "So you went to one of those... those fancy schools."

"I think you can say that. But who is the rest of my family?"

"There is Tom and Laura, the parents."

Laura looked beyond happy, and Mykola beamed at her. It was a surprised that Mykola was the first to open his arms for a hug. Laura embraced him.

"Oh, Mykola. I promise I'm going to do this right. I will care for anything you need. Please, if you do need anything, ask. We want you to be happy."

"You guys are very kind for taking me in," He smiled. "So you are Laura... and that is Tom?"

Tom came over to him and knelt down to hug him. "Yes. We're really looking forward to having you in our home. I helped set up your room. If there's anything you don't like about it, I'll fix it as soon as I can."

Mykola seemed very excited as he hugged Tom. "Your kindness is enough, please. I do not care if I do not like decorations in room."

I smiled at him, and he stopped for a moment. "Oh. Who is that?" Mykola pointed to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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