[ The Mystery of the Room ]

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It had been three days since you last saw Dazai.. however you currently had a much more urgent issue than worry over Dazai. Recently, there had been murders within the Port Mafia. While the rat who had been killing was too afraid to kill the mafia members with high rankings, like you.

They were targeting all the bodyguards and security men. At first, the issue was ignored, but now after the fourth murder it was starting to get bothersome. So you were on a mission to figure out.. just who was attacking the port mafia and why.

The only clue you had so far, was the fact that all the murders happened in the lower floors, around midnight. And all the murders happened in the same room. No stab wounds, gun shots or any form of bleeding was found. You didn't have a lead, or any suspects.. hence why you decided investigate around.

You entered the room, on the lower floor where the first murder took place a week ago. "Ma'am!" A deep voice called out, as you entered the room. The voice belonged to a man, with jet black hair, he wore a typical suit, and had a scar above his left eye brow. Following behind him was a shorter man, he was a brunette and had a cute smile, he also wore a typical blank suit, and seemed a lot younger than the taller man.

"Welcome to our floor madam!" The shorter one greets, giving you a mock salute. You offered him a brief smile, when he made eye contact. "What are your names?" You ask, while observing the room. It was much smaller and less spacious but it was one of the only rooms that had a high ceiling.

"I'm Hiro! And this here is my fellow buddy Ren!" The shorter one, who you know knew was Hiro said, occasionally pointing to his partner. "I see. I assume you both know, but i'm (name)." You introduce yourself, not bothering to spare them a glance. "Of course we know! After all, us low-payed ignored workers only have one job! To protect you!" Hiro sarcastically says, as you choose to ignore his words.

The smell of blood was faintly recognizable, however you couldn't pinpoint where the source was coming from. "Can you tell me what you know about the murder?" You ask, picking up things as you observed the room. "Yes. We don't have any leads. But the first body was found in the corner of the room." Ren says, pointing to the further left side of the room. "Mm, any murder weapons found near the scene?" You ask, observing the crime scene.

Everything was cleaned up, and was spotless. Almost as if a murder had never happened. "No weapons were found." He replies, watching your facial expression closer. "Okay. Who found the body?" You ask, noticing a strand of thread hidden at the very corner. "I did!" Hiro says, offering you a smile when you glanced back at him.

"Hm. Can you grab me that thread?" You ask him, watching his facial expression and movement. Something about Hiro was suspicious, his co-workers just got murdered.. but he was surprisingly cheerful. Was it an act?

You watch as Hiro shoots you a confused look. But regardless, he picks up the string and as he walks closer, the faint stench of blood only grew. He offers the string to you, and you notice a the exact same type of string peeking out of his pockets. "Where were the other bodies found?" You ask him, observing much closely. He was lead, after all.

"The three other bodies, were each found in a corner of the room." He says, as you observe the room. You notice little hooks, hanging from the ceiling. Almost as if....

"This isn't a murder.. there is no murderer." You say, as everything starts to click into place. There was never a murderer.

"It's suicide, the reason the murders only happened in this room is because it's one of the only rooms that has a high enough ceiling for suicide. The strings on the floor, are probably strands from what the workers used. There bodies were found in the corner.. because that's the only place were there was a hook to knot the thread with! There were no stab wounds or sources of bleeding, because they hanged themselves!" You say, as you take a moment to catch your breath.

"As for the reason for suicide, I believe Hiro had mentioned it. You were workers who got low pay, and were mostly ignored. Most of the workers here, can't leave the Port Mafia.. and so they couldn't handle all of this.. and well.. they died instead." You state, the surprised expression on Hiro's face only confirmed everything.

"Now, there are two things in this that i don't understand. First of all, if you, Hiro knew that this was sucide.. which you obviously do since you found the bodies.. why did you hide it. My only guess could be, you wanted a way to grab the attention from the higher ups." You say, as Hiro confirms your suspicions with his facial expression.

"And second, why is there a stench of blood coming from you?" You ask, your tone suddenly becomes cold, and the air in the room thickens. "Pffft! As expected of Mafia's top 5 executives! You didn't even need your ability to crack this case! And here i thought i was doing so well! You could even guess the reason of suicide and the reason for my attempts to hide it! Well done, Madam!" He says, his cheerful tone giving you the shivers.

"Now the answer to your question.."

A/N: i've actually never written mystery before, especially murder mystery.. so my apologies if it's bad. I hope with you're help, i can improve through out this book :)

 I hope with you're help, i can improve through out this book :)

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