[ A Weakness ]

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"Kyoka's switched to the detective agency?" You ask Koya, your pink haired colleague, who had the same ability as Kyoka did. Koya and you were the kind of like the guardians for the young girl, and Koya in particular had a different connection to the her.

You bitterly bite your lip, at how easily Kyoka was able to switch from the Port Mafia to Detective Agency. You recalled the last time you had attempted to do so, the trauma still running so deeply within you. You could never escape the mafia, you hear Mori's voice echo those words.

"Which is why we're going to get our little girl back." Koya says, snapping you out of your thoughts. You stayed silent, you believed perhaps the Agency was a better place for her. She was a young girl who could achieve so many better things in her life, if she had someone who could guide her better. She could find her happiness.

However, you couldn't protest against Koya. She was your big sister. She was everyone's older sister. However you would try to aid  in your own way for Kyoko. Koya gently held on to your wrist as she excitedly led the way. Her other hand, held an umbrella which shaded the both of you from the sun. You watched as Koya summoned her ability, in preparation.

You gently tugged on Koya's sleeve as she looked back at you. "Don't hurt them too much.. cuz maybe this is beneficial for Kyoko, maybe this is what she needs." You say, as Koya smiles at your gentleness. "I know. I just need to make sure they're strong enough to protect my girl. Think of it as a test." Koya says, ruffling your hair.

To Koya, you were family, a sister. As was Kyoko. And for you both, she would do anything. However, she wasn't as gentle as she promised to be. Without you watching, she had sliced the weretiger harshly.

Koya smiled when she noticed your fretting over the were-tiger, she covered your eyes with her hand. "No need to fret my dear, it is only a test for them." She says, before taking off her hand and walking towards Kyoko.

"Do I find you in good health, my beloved?" Koya asks stepping up to Kyoko. You watch as Kyoko's face falls into despair at the sight of Atsushi bleeding. Koya steps on Atsushi's fallen back, with her high heels.

"My concern for you runs deep, and my heart aches for you.. yet.. you run around with such a beast?" She asks, as you watch from afar. "But I am here to save you." Koya says, as she offers the young girl a hug. But Kyoko was too disgusted by Koya and the horrible act she had just done.

The weretiger gets and attempts to attack Koya, however Koya defends herself, she attacks back. The cycle continues for a good while. Eventually after Atsushi's many failures in trying to attack Koya, Kyoko becomes enraged at the fact that her colleague was losing a war he was fighting for her, so she brings out her own demon, which surprises you.

You had never seen Kyoko use her demon with her own will power. Koya looks at you and smiles, she knew the both of you were thinking the same thing. If the agency was able to bring out Kyoko's best ability, her using her demon on her own will power, it is the best place for her to be.

Just as Koya was about to retreat, the detective agency's two other companions come to the aid of Atsushi and Kyoko. Noticing the increase in opponents, you along with the port mafia's own companions make your way to aid Koya. The battle had grown in size.

It was you, Koya and a bunch of Port Mafia bodyguard's and Atsushi, a short farmer looking kid, and a taller guy with glasses and a book in his hand. Just as the fighting was about to begin once more you heard a strange voice. "Wow. Perfect Timing." An unusual voice says, as you feel a shiver run up your spine.

You had a bad feeling about this. "Big sister Koya, maybe we need to get out of here. I have a bad feeling." You say, leaning over and whispering to Koya. However Koya dismissed your worries, gently ruffling your hair. "No need to fret." She says, standing more protectively infront of you.

"All of you have gathered at one place!" The shorter one says, as you watch him closely. There seemed to be something suspicious about him. "Since we've got our pay from the guild, we better get to work!" He continues, placing a larger smile on his face. They seemed unusual. Perhaps it was because they're from the guild, but you seemed incredibly tense around them.

"Ah! Be careful! There might be a package on its way." The shorter one says, pointing to the open space infront of you. And in a matter of seconds, a large box falls to the ground, like the man had predicted. And four more members of the guild has arrived.

"Oh no." Koya had said, as she seemed to recognize some of the members. Before you could register, the guilds members began activating their abilities and charging. You and Koya had strategized that it would be better if she did the offensive and you did the defense. Since you had more control over what was headed towards you.

"We knew you'd be a problem!" The shorter one from earlier says, making his way towards you. "Out of all the ability users in the world, yours is the most troublesome to deal with." He says, as you simply smile. Dodging his bullet with ease. "It's my pleasure to be such a problem." You say, as the man infront of you smiles in response.

"Sassy! I like it! Too bad. My entire mission was to create an antidote against you." He says, as you feel another shiver go up your spine. What did he mean by antidote. Before you could ask any further questions, a tentacle was headed towards you from behind.

You stop him with your ability to use time. However, before you could attack the said tentacle, 3 more headed your way. And then 5 more and then 8 more. And the amount of tentacles that headed your way were endless.

They were fast so you had to act fast. You were busy stopping them with your ability and dodging them that you didn't notice the short guy from before sneak up on you, when you did notice him you were about to use your ability when he stabs you in the neck with a needle containing some type of liquid.

You acted fast and attempted to reverse time and take the needle out. However the moment you activated your ability, it refused to work. You felt a burning sensation travel through your veins as you fell to the ground on your knees. You feel an insane and unbearable amount of pain burst through out your body.

"(Name)!" Koya calls out, as she leaves her back open for an attack. "See you would've been one of the strongest abilities, if it weren't for this liquid I created myself." The guy says, twirling the needle in his hand.

"You're exceptionally good at dodging, but that's all. You rely on your ability too much. So if we got rid of that. You're nothing." He says walking away from you. You feel your body go unconscious and your eyelids droop. "Uh oh."


A/N: I feel like I made (Name) have a lot of strengths and too little weaknesses so I gave her some more weaknesses so through out the story she would have something to develop and grow even stronger with

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A/N: I feel like I made (Name) have a lot of strengths and too little weaknesses so I gave her some more weaknesses so through out the story she would have something to develop and grow even stronger with. Right now she doesn't know the best way to use her own ability. What are your thoughts on this?

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