[ An Assassination Attempt ]

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The cold blade of the knife gently touched your neck. You could feel the sharp metal parts inching away from your neck. "Oh~? An assasination attempt~? On THE port mafia~?" You ask, as the masked man only steps closer towards you. He smiled triumphantly as if he had won.

You broke the pitiful character you were supposed to be playing, and smiled at his mock win. "We were expecting you." A harsh voice you were used to hearing every single day had said. You watch as a light red aura had surrounded the knife, and in seconds brought away from your neck.

At the sudden movement, the assassin had lost his focus and turned to watch the knife move away due to a familiar gravitational ability. With the assassins now open back, you kick the back of his knee, catching the person off guard as he falls to the ground. Before he could fight again, you push his head to the ground.

And Chuuya with his ability placed a large boulder on the poor man, trapping him.  You smile at the team effort and dust off any excess dirt. "Is the boulder really necessary?" You ask, using your ability on the area the knife had grazed your neck. The small amount of blood made its way back into your body, and the injury closed itself up.

"Do ya want him to slice your neck up?" Chuuya grumbled as he takes a seat infront of the man. He sits criss cross, and stares at him. "So? Who sent you?" You ask, crouching down beside Chuuya. The man stayed silent, and refused to speak. You sighed and decided this was gonna take longer than expected.

"I'm stealing your coat." You tell Chuuya, stealing the fashionable coat Chuuya had placed over his shoulders and instead you place it on the ground, before taking a seat on it. "Oi! Do you know how expensive that is?!" Chuuya yells, freaking out about his brand new coat. "Chillll. You have like 500 of the same coats." You say, before sticking your toungue out.

Before you could switch back to the guy infront of you. You heard movements to your right, where the window was cracked open because of the assassin that had previously broken in. You watch as another assassin pounces at you with a knife in his hand.

However, you stop him. With ease. You were able to focus your ability on to only the assassin, and stop him in motion. "Woah there, buddy. How about you come take a seat beside your friend." You say, letting Chuuya take over and placing the assassin beside his friend and another boulder onto the new assassin.

Chuuya rubs the back of his neck before sighing: "This is getting troublesome." He says, as you get up and head towards the window the new assassin had pounced from. The view from outside the window was empty. There were no other assassins.

"I'll ask you once more, who sent you?" You ask, grabbing your gun and pointing it towards the assassins. The two men stayed silent. So you shot the empty space between them as the two shake in surprise. The two of them continued to stay silent.

"They aren't not gonna speak at your petty threatening skills." Chuuya says, as he uses his gravitational ability on the boulders, placing pressure on them and pushing them into the body of the two men. "T-the g-guild!" The second assassins speaks up, as Chuuya stops the pressure and smiles in triumph.

"Who are you trying to kill and why did the guild send you?" You ask, taking a seat back on to Chuuya's expensive coat. The men don't speak up and you place the cold metal gun on the assassins forehead. "Look if you don't speaking quickly, mr anger issues over here is gonna push your body 6 feet into the ground, literally."

"W-we were told to kill all 5 executives. If we're able to kill them, taking over the Port Mafia is easier." They tell as you sigh. Now there was a bounty above your head, Chuuya's head and 3 other colleagues. "Bastards think they can take over the Port Mafia." Chuuya says, pushing the boulder into their bodies at the thought of a bounty above your heads.

"Now now Chuuya. Keep them alive, we can get more information this way." You say, placing your hand on Chuuya's shoulder and squeezing it gently. Just as you were about to get up. You hear a gun shot, and a bullet flies by you, missing you by inches but instead hitting the assassin right in his forehead.

"There's a sniper!" Chuuya yells as he jumps out of the window and after the man. Meanwhilst, the assassin who had considered himself lucky to escape the Port Mafia's cruel hand due to death had in fact gotten unlucky.

You activate your ability on the assassin, as time rewinds itself and bullet which had pierced the man, shot out. The blood which was oozing out had dribbled its way back into his head and the hole sealed itself. The bullet popped itself onto your hand. "Unfortunately, your time hasn't arrived yet. I control your time."


Chuuya had successfully caught the sniper, and all three assassins, including the sniper, were thrown into one of Port Mafia's many torture chambers. "Boss." Chuuya greets with a bow, as Mori enters the room. You simply offer him a nod. The greetings no longer in use between the both of you.

"Great Job on dealing with the assassins." He says, taking a seat on the other side of the table. "There's a bounty above all 5 executives heads, information claiming by killing the executives, Port mafia can easily be taken over has been leaked." You say, reporting the current situation.

"Just as you wanted." Chuuya adds, as he was the one who leaked the information on purpose. "Wonderful! Now they have a vague idea of your abilities, the next wave is gonna be much tougher." He says, placing his hands together. He smiles.


𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕄𝕐𝕊𝕋𝔼ℝ𝕐 𝕆𝔽 𝕋𝕀𝕄𝔼 | ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now