[ Captured ]

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Your question was left unanswered.. since a moment later, Mori.. the boss of the Port Mafia had entered the room. Apparently he had already known your hypothesis, and simply wanted to toy around and see how long it would take for you to solve the case.

However, the words Hiro said as you were leaving the room still weighed on your mind. You remember it vividly as he said: "One day, you will get the answer to your questions.. Ms. Executive of the Port Mafia."


You loved braiding hair. And your main victims were often Higuchi, Koyo Ozuki and your newest victim.. Kyoka Izumi. She had long black-ish blue hair, and it was so silky that you swear it was melting sometimes. She didn't speak much to you, but you could tell that you were her safe space at the port mafia. After all, everyone else here were pure murderers. 

Kyoka was a young orphan, that the Mafia had taken in.. mostly due to her ability. However, it seemed as if the only people here that truly cared about her were you and Koyo. "You look beautiful, Kyoka." You say, brushing a way a few strands of stray hair.

"Oi." A harsh voice says, you didn't need to look up to see who the voice belonged to. "Chuuya." You say, in acknowledgment, not bothering to spare him a glance. "I'm not here for you." He grumbles, as you finally look at him. Ah, let me introduce to you.. Chuuya Nakahara. You're brother. And a member of the Port Mafia. He had the ability to manipulate gravity.

Chuuya and you, weren't the most sweetest siblings.. in fact half the time you were insulting and waging war with each other. But, if you were ever in danger, Chuuya would go to save you. As would you.

"Well then? What are you here for? Also that hat looks horrible." You say to him, tossing a pencil at him. "Shut Up!" He yells, throwing the pencil back at you, but with his gravitational ability. He was being nice, and didn't use his full potential. But it still hurt. "Ouch! You short gremlin! Why are you here!" You yell back, tossing the pencil back at him.

"We're the same height!" He yells once again, before deciding to be the bigger person and placing the pencil down. "Oi, you." He calls out, directing it towards Kyoka, who was spinning in your spiny chair. "Her name is Kyoka. Do you have short term memory loss or something?" You grumble. "I hear you captured Dazai, which basement is he locked up in?" Chuuya asks, deciding to ignore your rude remark.

However when you heard Dazai's name, your ears perked up. You had a vague idea of why he was here.. and that he got caught on purpose.
"...basement 2 on the 3rd floor." Kyoka responds, her voice much softer compared to Chuuya's. You get up, deciding to make yourself useful. After all, being an executive of the Port Mafia had its own benefits.


You watch as Chuuya angrily storms out of the basement.. after all he and Dazai weren't the best of friends. However from within the basement, you could hear Dazai's melodious laughter, it gave you butterflies. You squeezed the files that you held before entering the basement in which Dazai was being "locked" up in. Dazai looked up, when he heard, the heels of your shoes echoing through the room.

From the facial expression on Dazai's face.. it was almost as if he was expecting you to come.. and see him. "Looking for these?" You ask, holding up the file in your hand. It was a file about Atsushi and the huge ransom that was above his head. It was also the reason as to why Dazai was here. You had predicted his movements, and perhaps he was betting on the fact that you would.

Dazai smiled, as he snaps his finger, letting the chains that confined him fall to the ground. He brushed a bandaged hand through his hair. "You know me too well." He says, the words echoing through the room. When you had gotten closer, you could see bruises forming on his face. You cursed Chuuya and probably Akutagawa too for punching his handsome face. 

"I wonder why." You say standing right infront of him. He was a couple inches taller than you. You had to strain your neck slightly to get a good look at him. He doesn't say anything, as you hand him over the files. In fact he doesn't even skim through them, Dazai was confident that these were the exact files he was looking for. Because that's how much he trusted you.

His bandaged hand reaches out for you. It gently caresses your face, you could feel the softness of the bandage come in contact with your skin. You close your eyes, letting the familiar scent of Dazai consume you. "Your beauty is ethereal." He says, as he takes a step closer towards you. You could hear your heart rate rise. Dazai leans in, gently pecking your forehead. And by the time you open your eyes, he had vanished.

From your view.. from the room. You're fingertips trace the places he just touched. You wondered why you rushed to come see him? Why you followed his plans and gave him what he wanted? Even if after 4 years, you're supposed to be getting over him.. but why did your heart only respond to him. You crouch down, laughing at your own misery. "What have you done to me, Dazai Osamu."



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