[ A Boring Mission ]

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You knocked on the Mori's door, waiting for a response. While waiting you wondered whether you were Mori's favorite or his only friend since he was always summoning you for meals, and ordering you to go on extra missions with him after  you've finished your work. "Come in~!" You hear the man sing, as you enter the room.

Upon entering the room you see Mori eating his lunch, a steak. And beside him was Elise.. his companion and... his ability. However you didn't know enough about Elise to make any assumptions, so you just worked on getting on her good side. On the other side of the table was Higuchi.

For a little context, whilst Dazai was busy being captured, the were tiger, Atsushi and Akutagawa ended up in a brawl which caused a few issues and lead Akutagawa to deaths door, he was finally in a stable condition after hours of you using your ability. "Hi Elise~!" You greet, as the young blonde girl runs up to you, wrapping you in a hug, her arms around your waist.

"If the violence is returned to us, all our expenses will become liabilities." You hear Mori say, as you walk closer to the table while holding Elise'a hand. She was definitely fond of you, even if she didn't show it. You watch as Higuchi's face turns into one of pain and despair. "How.. how could you call those liabilities? They were fruits of Akutagawa senpai's hard work up till now.." Higuchi responds, only ever thinking of her beloved.

You seat beside Elise, resting your elbows on the table in-front of you. "Indeed Akutagawa-kun is highly capable. His violence is outstanding even in the Mafia." Mori says, as you scoff to yourself. "But what about you?" He adds, his tone suddenly colder and sharper.. it suddenly made you sit straighter and even gave you goosebumps..  he wasn't even talking to you.

"Higuchi-kun have you ever wondered if this job really suits you..?" He asks much more clearly, as Higuchi faces the ground, her answer unsure. "You're dismissed." Mori says after a sigh, Higuchi leaves the room without saying anything else. Once she's gone, Mori turns to you, a smile on his face. "You're so harsh." You say, resting your head on your arms.

"It's fun." He responds, taking a bite of his steak. "Tail her." He adds, as you lift your head, groaning. "Mori-sannn, I did that last week too! What good comes out of tailing her!" You ask, bored of the same mission that was given to you over and over again.

"Watch her for a bit, if she fails to do anything productive or useful in 48 hours, get rid of her." He says, not a hint of sympathy in his voice. "Gosh, you're so cruel." You say, scoffing, however you get up.. ready to begin tailing her.


You had been tailing Higuchi all day. She spent a bit of her day arguing with some mafia members, she spent the other bit of her day, sitting by Akutagawa's unconscious side. And now she sat on the floor of her apartment, her eyes about to explode with tears.

You honestly felt a bit sad for her, her situation sometimes reminded you of yourself. Her and Akutagawa reminded you.. of well You and Dazai. You wanted to help her, to talk to her.. but you weren't good at consoling people. She sat in silence as you watched her in silence.

You wondered what Dazai was doing, your fingertips unconsciously touching your forehead, the place he kissed. Before you could get lost deeper in your thoughts, you heard Higuchi's phone ring and focused your attention back to your mission, you watched as she suddenly got up and exited the door. "It seems as if she'll be keeping her life this time around." You mumble.


Another little update on the current situation. Also while Akutagawa was fighting Atsushi, he had accidentally enraged a near by gang, and now they've came back with revenge, so they kidnapped the unconscious Akutagawa and now Higuchi was going to get him back.. and you were still.. tailing her.

"Gosh, i can't believe Mori-san! Some random gang kidnapped Akutagawa, they infiltrated THE port mafia? No way, he probably lessened the security for a good plot and so Higuchi would realize her own worth. Ugh that's so much work, why am i roped into this." You grumble from afar, ranting to yourself, missing the warm comfort of your bed.

You watch as Higuchi sneaks into the base of the gang members, and you sneak in as well. She has a gun in her hands, however her hands were visibly shaking. You sighed, thankful you bought your own guns. She recklessly throws a mini grenade, and starts firing.

You debate whether you should jump into help her or just watch her, and eventually come to the conclusion that you'd jump in if her life or Akutagawa's life is threatened. You flinch, when Higuchi gets shot in the thigh. You unstrap the gun which was strapped to ur thigh, loading it up.

However you stop, when you notice her recklessly running around and shooting bullets despite such a big injury.. for the sake of someone she loved. It was slightly.. just slightly admirable. However, she soon runs out of bullets, and you notice someone start aiming for her.

"I guess it's my time to shine." You say to yourself, before aiming for the guys head and perfectly shooting at him. This brought attention to you, so you finally reveal yourself from your hiding position. "Thought you'd need some help." You say, throwing one of your guns to Higuchi, which she catches. "Executive (Name)!"



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