[ An Unexpected Encounter ]

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"Change of plan." Mori called out, quietly beckoning you over. You follow his orders and make your way over as Atsushi kept the red haired girl occupied. "Mori-san, I think I figured it out, if i coul-!" You were cut off before you could tell Mori your amazingly thought out plan.

"I would've loved to see whatever you conjured up in your head, but I have a new mission for you." He said, a mischief smile playing on his lips. You frowned when you saw that smile. He was upto no good.

"I didn't predict him to be here." Mori said, a sudden amount of seriousness in his tone, as he rubbed his chin wondering where his calculations had gone wrong. "What's the mission?" You ask, watching Anne from the corner of your eye. She was after Atsushi but it wouldn't be long before she switched her focus.

"Get caught by Anne." He said, a smile forming as you look at him with disgust. "What? Ugh, thats so much work Mori-sann." You say whining slightly, and slouching your shoulders. You suddenly missed your warm comfy bed. "I think you might benefit from this more than I will. Find out why he's here." He says, a knowing smile on his lips.

You stick at your tongue before turning to Anne. "Your wish is my command." You say, with a dramatic bow. Anne had finally switched her attention to you and Mori. You skipped away from Mori, and brought more attention to yourself. You wondered whether getting caught by Anne would hurt.

Maybe you should just stop time itself and walk into the room. But that wasn't the mission. You look behind you at Mori and curse him once more. You watch as Anne lunges towards you, and you stand there with your hands stuffed in your pocket. From afar Atsushi yelled at you to move.

Her plastic hands trap ur body, but surprisingly it didn't hurt. "Uh oh, now it's just the two of you~!" The red head said, with pleasing look. You stick ur tongue out at her. Anne was surprisingly much gentler than you thought. She slowly took you to the locked door, placed you in it.

You saw two other members of the detective agency trapped in a web. Your eyes landed on a dark figure at the corner of the room. And Mori's words clicked into place. "Oh come on, do neither you or Mori seriously have nothing better to do?" You ask, as you watch Anne leave the room to go chase after the tiger.

"Well if it isn't the star of our beloved rival!" Dazai said, in his usual carefree silly tone. He casually sat upon the webbed structure, a hand in his pocket and a book in the other hand. Osamu Dazai seriously had nothing better to do so he resulted to reading a book in a locked room in a dimensional time space.

You understood Mori's mission. Why was Dazai here. The moment Anne touched Dazai, she would disappear due to his nullification ability. So he probably walked into this room himself. You sit upon the webbed structure already exhausted after dealing with one intellectual psycho. And now you had to deal with another.

Dazai for a second seemed to abandon his mission when he found himself staring at you. He struggled to keep his eyes off of you. You had only gotten more beautiful with the time he has not seen you.

But more than that he missed the familiar way you used to talk to him, or joke around with him. Or the way it used to be the two of you against the world. He knew it was his fault.  Neither of you brought up the past relationship, the two of you were in. And perhaps it was for the best. He knew it was his fault.

Unconcious to himself a smile formed on his lips when he saw you grumble about many of your daily problems. "Why're you even here?" You ask, finally making eye contact with the man. Dazai eyes which were originally staring into yours had noticed something. He got up, and made his way over to you.

You watched as he took long strides before standing right infront of you. You were debating between getting up and just sitting there, but his eyes seemed to focus on something else. "You got hurt?" He asked, his hands gently tracing the tiny wound you got because of Anne. The touch of his fingertips suddenly set your skin on fire, you could feel the familiar butterfly flutter in your stomach.

"That's just a day in the life of a port mafia member." You jokingly say, as you used your ability on yourself, turning back time on your wound. Dazai watched as the blood which was one seeping out, reversed itself back into the wound. And the cut closing up once more. Once your cut had disappeared, he traced the area which your cut had once existed.

His cheerful act had disappeared and the serious one had replaced it. He was deep in thought, and nobody would have a clue on what was going on in that brain of his. His eyes met yours and for a second you couldn't seem to pull away. When you did pull away, you remembered your mission.

"Dazai. Why are you here?" You ask once more but with a much serious tone. Dazai smiled and took a seat beside you. "Of course~ To supervise my new and beloved mentee~!" He says, the cheerful tone coming back. He played his dumb act. But both he and you knew that he couldn't fool you.

"The red head girl is a threat to the detective agency, i'm guessing." You say, as Dazai smiles. Of course you were right, he found out slightly ironic that no matter how many years had passed you still knew him best. "The Guild is here." He says his tone back to the serious one, you found it a lil scary how he was switching between them so easily.

Dazai gets up, and offers your smile. "Stay away from them." He says, ruffling your hair. He walks off into a distance, and disappears. Of course, with the nullification ability he's able to leave the room one way or another. Although, if that was applicable, you didn't understand how he was able to stay in the room in the first place. But then again, this was Dazai we're talking about.

Thanks to Dazai, you gained valuable information regarding the guild and their return. You also know knew that the guild had already visited the agency, indicating you, the port mafia, were next, all which you could report to Mori, if he didn't already know. You fix your hair that Dazai had messed and scoff. "Stupid Dazai."



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