[ Inside Anne's Room ]

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"What is itttt Mori-san? Where are you dragging me today." You whine as Mori, the leader of the Port Mafia, dragged you upon the crowded streets near the detective agency. His grip on your wrist was firm yet gentle, but his pace was fast.

"Be quiet, we're on our way to watch a show." He says, a hint of mischief, or perhaps it was excitement, in his voice. "A show?" You ask skeptically, as a crosswalk shows up. "Ah, seems we're here." He says, stopping in the middle of the road, as you bump into his back. You were about to yell how there are cars headed towards you, but before you could..

..your surroundings changed. The sky which was a bright blue turned hot pink, and the ground had become a checkered board. All the buildings and cars disappeared, and were replaced by large teddy bears, balloons, presents, dolls, and animals. The crowd in the room didn't hesitate to run out the door which led to the outside world, and only four people remained.

"Mori-san, what're you up to today?" You ask suspiciously, observing your surroundings and noticing some familiar faces. Atsushi, the were tiger, along with Tanizaki, the man with orange her and had an obsessive sister, were the two other people in this room.

But at the center of all this chaos was the star of this show, you assumed she was also the creator of the show. She had bright red hair that stood out to you, and beautiful green eyes, and a cute little waitress outfit.

"Welcome.. to Anne's Room." The red head says, the atmosphere in the room getting heavier. Tanizaki, yells at the girl, asking where his sister was.. and the red head shows his sister, Noami trapped in a web like structure behind a locked door. And that was enough for you to grasp the script of this show. "Damn Mori-san, do you really have nothing better to do as the leader of the Port Mafia." You say, noticing his smile.

"Ah! But remember you can't open the door without a key! Oh, there is no need to fret! You just need to play with Anne! And she'll give you the key!" She yells, giving a cheerful smile. The ground shakes, and you see the cause of the mini earth quake. A large, giant doll stomps behind the red head. The doll and the red head were almost identical, the red head cheerfully clasps her hands and says: "Meet Anne! Anne loves playing! She might be a little spoiled but she is quite adorable!!"

"It is quite a shame that Anne only has 4 people to play with." The red head says, pouting slightly. Atsushi and Tanizaki, finally had their first encounter with you and Mori (they had encountered you before but they were unconscious), the two turned and looked at you completely obvious to who you were.

"It's very dangerous to be here, you should get out too." Atsushi turns towards the both of you, and says with a worried look. Mori gives you a glance, tilting his head and asking you to come up with an excuse to stay. Atsushi and Mori both look at you, as you start fretting under all the pressure and cursing Mori for forcing you to come up with an excuse on the spot.

"We're looking for a girl!" You desperately say. "She's about this tall, and has the prettiest red eyes, and really long blonde hair!" You continue on, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "Have you seen her?" Mori asks, and Atsushi shakes his head and apologizes. "Her name is Alice-chan, she's so cute, it wouldn't even hurt if she got into my eye! Actually it would hurt a little." Mori continues, as you step on his foot, and smile when he glanced at you. He was overdoing his part..

"She's probably right behind that locked door." Tanizaki says, pointing to the door where his sister was being held. "If that's true, there is no way we would just leave without her." You say. "I understand, we will do our best." Atsushi says, offering you a smile. He was a cute little munchkin, no wonder Dazai had taken him under his wing.

"The rules are simple!" The red head says interrupting your conversation. "Play hide and seek with lovely Anne! Whoever is caught loses. You hear and sigh, already feeling tired. "However if you can open that door, with the key I give you, you win and the hostages will be returned."

"Now, who's playing?" She asks, and everyone but Mori raises his hand, you stare at him in disbelief and step on his foot again. He should've given you a heads up if you both weren't going to participate in the actual game. He gives you a shrug as you grumbled assuming it was a part of his horrible plan.

A countdown was shown, and the game begun in a matter of seconds. Now, you didn't understand what Mori wanted you to do, his fickle mind just as twisted as Dazai's. If you were to use your ability, simply stopping time, taking the key, walking to door, unlocking it, you could easily win. But Mori had said it was a show, implying you were part of the audience, which meant Atsushi and Tanizaki were the main players and you had to give as minimal support as possible. You sigh, cursing Mori once more, and stomping his foot.

The moment the timer had hit zero, a gush of wind flew past you and Tanizaki was captured and dragged into the locked room. You take a moment to realize, what just happened and came to the conclusion that she was fast. You quickly put up your hair, and analyze your surroundings.

"Jump!" You yell, as Anne attempts to grab Atsushi, but misses when he pounced away. Anne looks at you. And in full speed runs at you. You dodge, but her sharp plastic hand grazes your cheek. And blood trickles down from your cheek.

You glare at Mori, and he sticks out his tongue. Mori knew what you were capable of, and if you used your ability you could ease through this game in 5 seconds. He also knew you could ease through this game without your ability too. Which is why he wanted to use this opportunity to see how much you've grown.

Atsushi initiates a conversation with the red head, asking if she was an orphan, this brought you time to properly take in your surroundings, and strategize a plan. "I think I know how to beat this oversized doll."



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