[ Hostage ]

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You open your eyes, your eyelashes begin fluttering as they adjust to the sudden change in brightness. When your eyes had finally adjusted, you were able to take in your surroundings. You were in a car, and a man with his hair in a ponytail and glasses was driving the car. You were able to identify him as the man who had came to rescue Kyouka and Atsushi the other day.

What stood out to you the most.. was the annoyingly familiar man beside you. "Well, would someone like to explain what's going on here?" You ask, lifting your head which was resting on Dazai's shoulder. You watched as the man driving the car glanced at you through the rear view mirror.

"You're being kidnapped!" Dazai says, smiling ever so cheerfully. "And being held hostage!" He adds on, lifting his arm and showing the handcuff that cuffed you to him. You sigh, getting a good look at Dazai. He seemed tired as if he had barely gotten any sleep yet he acting his usual aloof-self.

"Why, thank you for stating the obvious." You sarcastically tell him, rolling your eyes. "On a more serious note, where are we going?" You ask, hoping to get a much more serious answer. "Well to put it simply, war has begun." Dazai says, as the driver man watches your expressions curiously.

You began to piece together all the pieces. Dazai was most likely referring to the war between the Guild, the Detective Agency, and the Mafia. You and Mori had came to the conclusion that it would begin sooner or later. It seems now was is when it would begin.

You shift in your seat, and think to yourself. The best course of action right now would be to act as a spy and stay as a "hostage" of the Agency. It would allow you to gather useful information about your enemies in this war.

"You don't seem surprised." The glasses driver weirdly perfectionist guy says, his eyes looking at the road. You look at him through the rear view mirror. "If you think about it, war had always been going on. The war between the agency and the mafia. However since a new rival, one who is actively poking at us, has arrived. Some changes have to be made, and each side needs to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of the new rival as well as come up with a new strategy." You yap on.

Dazai listened to you yap, but his focus was more on other things. His hand could feel the cool touch of your fingers, and he could smell the familiar scent of the perfume you used to wear. He noticed your unchanging habit of fidgeting around with your hands as you thought about things. And smiled when he realized how it seems as if nothing had changed. But in reality, everything had.

He softly sighed, frowning at how distracted he became and went back to turning the gears in his head and coming up with a master plan. But from the corner of his eye, he watched as you looked out the window, your mind drifting off to some random thought, your eyes bright and clear. His heart couldn't help but race as he felt your fingertips brush over his, like it once used to.

Even though Dazai himself has claimed he had forgotten you. His heart still beats the same way it once used to. And even now out of everyone, perhaps you were the only one he would willingly move towards.


You sat on the desk, beside Dazai who slightly leaned back on a desk. And watched  as Dazai explained to the agency his master plan. You were all currently at an abandoned warehouse.

Your arm ached at how he lifted his every now and then for his gestures. It was much later in the afternoon, and the agency had officially moved to their hideout. And we're prepping their strategy.

At first you questioned how well of an idea they thought it was to blatantly discuss their strategy right infront of you, the "princess" of the port mafia. However then you realized, this was probably a scheme that Dazai had come up with and you were simply a character in his play.

"..and so the defense teams objective will be to protect Doctor Yosano." Dazai explains, as you sit there beginning to grow bored. Dazai then began splitting the members of the agency up into two teams, the defense and offense.

The defense consisted of the doctor, Ms. Yosano. A short farmer looking kid, who you later found out was named Kenji. A young man who you couldn't pinpoint if he had an ability or not, however you did notice his emerald green eyes. And finally, the president of the agency, Fukuzawa.

The offense, on the ofher hand, was divided into even more smaller teams. Team A revolved around Tanazaki, the illusionist. And the driver guy, with glasses and a book. And Team B revolved around Dazai, with his nullification. And the weretiger, Atsushi.

As the teams began prepping for their respective parts, you slid of the table. You felt rather lazy and did not want to be dragged to wherever Dazai was going to.  "As a fellow hostage of the agency, why am i being dragged around with you? This is harsh, Osamu." You said with a huge sigh as Dazai begins getting off the desk, he glances at you and smiles. A smile he wore when he was often planning something.

All of a sudden, Dazai tugs his handcuffed wrist with a strong amount of force, and you, who was caught off guard stumble in his direction and barely manage to not fall as you lightly cling onto his buttoned up shirt. Dazai lightly rests his free arm on your waist and leans in a little closer. "Would you rather want me to treat you the way i treated hostages when i was apart of the mafia, Nakahara?"



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