Chapter 7 - Caught

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A/N: This chapter contains spice/smut. I don't know if you can call it smut since it not that detailed, but I just wanted to warn y'all! This is probably cringe, but whatever.

By the way, it takes longer than in the movies for Teresa to betray them.

I recommend listening to songs like 'I See Red' or 'The Hills' while reading to make this chapter better :)

Thanks for the idea: NewtHisBae
Go check out on her account! She writes amazing!


I walked outside and it was already getting dark. I saw Newt and the others sitting around a small fire and I started walking towards them.

'Hey, Raven.' Minho motioned for me to come sit with them.

'Hey.' I sat down on a small chair and looked at the fire. 'Where did you guys go after the zip line?' I asked them out of curiosity.

'Jorge wanted to go to Marcus. So we basically went to look for him in a town. I started fighting with some man, because he was threatening us. I forced him to tell us where Zone A was and eventually he said it.
Then, at the party we saw you guys having a little bit too much fun, so when you and Thomas both got unconscious or whatever happend, I rescued you guys.' Minho explained.

'Minho, that's far away from what actually happend.' Newt said.

'I only left out some details.'

'You didn't even fight anyone!' Frypan started laughing and I did too.

We continued talking for a while and it was great to catch up again. After some time I did feel myself get tired a little bit.

'Hey guys,' I looked at them. 'I'm gonna head off to bed.' I yawned.

'Sure. Your tent is right over there.' Frypan motioned at a big tent.

'Night.' I gave Newt a hug.

I walked into the tent and looked around. In the corner was a bed. The bed wasn't very small, to my surprise. Next to it was a small table with a lamp on it. I also saw a closet and a small water tap.

I looked for pajamas in the closet, since I didn't bring one. My eyes fell on pink satin shorts and a button-up shirt. I put them on and threw my other clothes on a chair.

I got a washcloth and rubbed my face clean. Next to the water tap was a toothbrush with toothpaste. I was happy that they had all this and I started brushing my teeth.


After I got ready to go to sleep I crawled in the bed and laid on my side. I was glad I could finally catch some good night of sleep and just rest. I almost fell asleep until I felt someone laying down next to me.

The person got closer to my body and we were in a spooning position. I turned my head slightly and saw Newt laying next to me.

'Hey.' I turned around so we weren't in the spooning position anymore. I locked my eyes with Newt's and got even closer to him.

After a few seconds I leaned in and started kissing Newt. Newt hesitated for a second and then kissed back. I felt my hand going to Newt's back as one of his hands was in my hair.

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