Venom Attraction

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I was walking down a road.

A road i've never been around..

it made me feel ..

lost,lonely, disconnected ...

away from life..its paths, and doors that open and close .

 but above all these feelings.

i felt as if someone was... watching me .i looked behind me and i saw nothing after a few seconds i saw a car coming closer. as the time went by... i notticed it was a guy driving . he looked familiar but there was something i couldnt get right ..but by this time the car was already gone so i kept on walking and shoved the thoughts off my mind. when i got home and opened the door i heard my mom calling for me .

"stell hun is that you ?"

"yeah mom it's me"

"oh.. ok i need you to do me a favor. can you go down and get the food that i order? they should be waiting for someone to pick it up. will you honey?"

"uhmm, sure mom no problem"

"here is the adress"

i got the paper my mom gave me with the adress in it and made my way the car . i opoened the car door and hopped in it then i put in the adress in the GPS and arrived to the mystic grill in 10 minutes . when i entered the place it was full with mostly people around my age and a couple of people around their late 20's . when i got to the counter the girl with dark hair hung  in a pony tail welcomed me .

"hi, welcome to the Myctic Grill how can i help you ?"

"uhm.. i just came to get some food for uhm... the Van Derwolf family."

"oh yes uhmm.. one minute please i will bring it right up " she gave me one last smile before she went into and came right back out with her arms and two big bags of food and a dude who wasn't that bad carrying 2 more bags' omg i cannot believe my mom... she almost had bought out the place'.

well as i got the bags someone behind me said.

"you look like might need some help"

i turned to look at whoever was talking to me and he looked like he was around the 20s, very hansome, he had intense blue-ish/grey-isheyes, and amazingly pale skin .. with dark messy hair.

"i... uhmm- yeah i guess i do"

he let out a smal smile that caused me to blush.

he stared at my cheeks for a few seconds and then looked away .

as i opened the back door and put the bags in he spoke.

" uhm.. hungry much?"

 couldnt help but laugh.

" uhm.. no its for my family"

he laughed .

" oh uhm.. thanks alot for the help uhmm... "

" damon .. my name is damon salvatore .. and dont worry about it .."

"oh im stella vander wolf and i better get going ..the food is geting cold"

"sure, i'll see you around. "


"mystic falls is such a small town "

"exactly*laugh* ..well uhm bye damon.. it was nice meeting you " i said as i hoped in the drivers seat.

"goodbye stella"he said

on my way home i saw a great spot of the trees with the exact amount of sunlight to snap a picture of and i did. then just as i was about to hop back in the car .. i saw a crow just looking at me ... no sound was between all this silence. i took my camera and snapped a few pictures of the crow it was a beautiful crow.

i loved the way it was staring at me.

i got back in the car and drove back home.

"im back. nate, can you come and help me please?"

"sure, just one minute"

i took 2 of the 4 bags and brought them to the kitchen.

"here they are . just s you told me ... uhm ... mom...."

"thanks honey. i really appreciate your help" she smiled at me .

"uhmm.. no problem i enjoyed driving down there "

i gave her a light smile to let her know everything was ok ..

but to her surprise it was all a lie and no one knew it better then .... me .

i went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and so i turn on the hot waterr and relaxed a little as the steaming hot water started coming out i touched the water with my toe and measure the water's temperture it was too hot so i put on some cold water too until it was perfect . when i was done with my shower i slipt into my pj's and headed downstairs to eat dinner but to my surprise everyone had already eaten and nate was watching some game on the plasma tv so i went and served myself  food. as my food was heating up i went over to my laptop and for some reason searched up damon salvatore AND  to my surprise i had found something ... something very interesting .

~~~end of chapter~~~~

OMGE this is my first chapter o soo EVERRR and i think it is good for a starter ? idk. but i guess i needed more ? right?

well def.!!!

i mean stell searched up damon and found... *drumm rollss* ...!$@#$^%*&(&(*&%^$#@!#$%^* ... something lols .. well ill leave that for next chapter :) love you all .... whoEVER reads this ..:P .. and im sooo sorry for my miss spelling i write very fast and i is too lazy to correct it lol!. anyhoimmm  COMMENT /RATE/&ND ENJOYYYY!!  oh and uhm should i write damon's pov? [point of view]:D

--xoxo RedRosesxo--

Venom AttractionWhere stories live. Discover now