chapter 3:his secret ! her compaled mind

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after i called my parents and told them about the accident but i didnt give in too many  details because i didn't want to scare them and besides i was ok! wasnt i ? well uhmm then i asked damon if he could give me a ride home since my car was upside down in the middle of the road  ! not to mention upside dodwn and crashedd to pieces! ....

stella: damon? ......

i could not see or hear him anywhere and i felt a sudden urge to look around for him... i think .

this house was huge ! and it looked like an old place from a long time ago. but it had a classial look :).

i went up the stairs slowly and precautiouse without a sound and when got up i called for damon but he did not respond and so i went in one of the rooms. as i opened the door i thought i heard the door open from downstairs so i frooze in place but i did not hear anything else ... no footsteps nothing was i getting crazy or was i just paranoid ? haha well anyway i just went in the room and the room was not that bad but it seemed old like the house itself .. it had alot of books and when i say alot i mean ALOT ! books like weathering hiegths... pride and prejudice,and books in some other languages .there were also old technology like one of those old type writer thingies and then on top of a book there was a picture of a lady and it said.....

katherin 1864..* wow that was a longg time ago*she was beautiful tho and i think she kinda looks like me ..?what the hell was happening here?! and then not to be over dramatic .. but i heard someone behind me calling me .

???: who are you?

i turned around and to my surprise this girl looked alot like the girl on the picture and so i panicked a little.

stella: uhm... i-i .. katherine????

???: hum no im elena...*she looked at the picture i was holding and then looked back at me and then took it from me*

elena: you shouldnt be here.

stella : im so sorry i didnt mean to but i was just looking for damon and i guess i got lost ... i-i'm so sorry.*awkard silence* im stella van derwolf by the way.

elena: its okand this isnt damon's room by the way this room is steffan's room uhm my boyfriend .

damon: hi elena and .. uhmm stella i need to talk to you.

as he said my name he had a furious look on his face and i have to say that i was a little scared as he took my arm .

when we got outside of "steffans" room his face changed to a opened look,and ofcourse gorgeous.

damon: uhm.. dont move.. please.

stella:i-i..*sigh* look im  really sorry i - .

but right then and there it hit me  , he had softenned up and i could not believe what he was about to do .. well he was moving close to me . .. his lips were closer to mine as the seconds went by and then BAMMMM!!  his lips WERE ON mine and at first his kiss was slow cautious,and tender . his lips tasted sweet and delicous but as the seconds went by the kiss intensified itself and my hands automaticaly climbed up to his neck and his hands down to my hips and furder more .

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