Day of Angels

202 11 37

January 11, 2022

Robin is scrolling through Instagram replaying Nina's sneak peek commercial. She is literally bouncing in her seat, playing it over and over again.

She screamed with excitement when it popped up on her feed yesterday.

She felt like a proud mama knowing all that her baby's been through and seeing her grow

Robin asked for details but Nina is being tight-lipped until the launch. Still she is so excited and can't wait to buy up everything in Nina's line.

She is gonna shop til she drops and is ready to pre-order but..

Holy by The SERAPHIMS starts playing on the radio, making Robin pause in her seat. She turns the radio up and starts singing along to her fiancé's band.

Robin imitates Dino playing the bass as she belts out the lyrics

It's one of her and Kayden's favorite songs but she notices that she's singing alone.

Robin looks to see Kayden stone faced as he pulls up to the Cordonian Consulate

"Kayden, you ok?"

He nods but his face remains the same but also looks irritated

"Ok you're lying. What's wrong?"

"Just go Ro."

Robin mugs Kayden because of his tone. It's so standoff ish

"What's with the hostility? Did I do something?"


"You slept on the wrong side?"


Robin can't help but start raising her voice too. This is off for them. Kayden and Robin's personalities intertwines like S'mores.

Dope separately but immaculate together. However, Robin isn't about to allow Kayden to get disrespectful

"What's with the tone?"


Robin rears back in surprise. Kayden has never raised his voice at her for anything so for him to take this tone with her...

Kayden grips the steering wheel and hangs his head. His voice lowers just below normal level

"I'm sorry but please don't leave"

The car is filled with silence and Robin notes how much distress her best friend is in.

She rubs her thumb across his cheek and Kayden melts a little

"Nightmares again?"

The silence is LOUD. Robin nods to herself and then looks out the window at the consulate.

She's just going to have to be late to her own party

"Can we go to the gas station? I got cravings."

Kayden stills for a second then nods without looking at her and drives off. There's a gas station about two minutes from the venue so it doesn't take long for them to pull up.

Robin unclicks her seatbelt, making Kayden hold out his arm in front of her.

"Kayden..I'll be right back"


"You can see me from here. Two seconds"

Kayden lowers his arm and nods. He watches as Robin gets out the car and scurries into the gas station.

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