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March 1, 2022

The month of February came and went. True to her promise, Robin let Dino take control of everything she needed to do. He FaceTimed her whenever he went to the shop, joined every business call she had, came up with solutions for each problem, and helped Mags with rescheduling the launch party.

It was one of the two times Robin got out of the house.

She mingled and networked but absolutely just loved watching her friends rock her wigs. Loving how new customers came in to get installations and watching her inventory slowly deplete

She cried happy tears the whole way home. Feeling proud and also like a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders

Her bank account didn't look too bad either

The second time she left the house was for her baby shower. It was under the sea themed and she was in love. Her family and those closest to her, celebrating the newest addition to their blended family. Her nieces and nephews loved her while trying to be careful.

Her favorite part was when Dino pulled her to the side and gave her a "special" cupcake. He took out his phone to record her and she just knew...

Biting into the treat, she made sure to swallow before looking BUT screamed when she saw the blue icing on the inside

A boy

They're having a baby boy and she just weeped. Dino held her tight and soothed her as she took in the news

Rain Amari Maathai

Her precious baby boy....is kicking the hell out of her uterus

Robin groans as she's woken out of her sleep. She and Dino have been up all night due to her being so uncomfortable. They finally went to sleep about two hours ago and Dino is dead to the world.

His head is back as he snores with an arm thrown over him. Robin slowly gets out of the bed and walks around the room. Moving her legs actually eases the pain, so she decides to get some water.

Carefully making her way down the steps, Robin goes to the fridge and gets a cup of ice

She sighs, crushing the ice between her teeth. She rubs her watermelon sized belly as she leans on the counter.

Footsteps catch her attention as she sees Kayden coming down the steps

"Snickers, what are you doing down here?"


Kayden walks over to Robin and places his chin on her head

"I could have gotten that for you"

"I'm not completely immobile, Kay. I can go to the kitchen plus walking feels so much better"

Kayden hums in response before taking the cup out of Robin's hand

"What are you doing?"

Kayden takes her hands in his and faces Robin towards him

"Step on my feet"

"Kayden, no" she whines


The tone he uses let's Robin know he isn't in the mood. She sighs and lightly steps on his feet. Kayden gently walks backwards, trailing Robin around the kitchen to the dining room.

She looks up at her best friend and sees the tiredness he's pushing through for her.

"Stop it. You're not keeping me up"

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