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"Hi ba-by. Hi ba-by"

Robin repeats the phrase slowly with a smile on her face. She and Kayden watch as Rain stares at her lips while trying to mimic the words.

His little mouth opens and his eyebrows furrow


"Hi ba-by"


Kayden shakes his head and smiles. It's crazy watching how fast his godson is growing. Only two months but look four. He blames the tall ass parents

"The fact that he's so close to saying it"

Robin doesn't take her eyes off Rain but lifts her brows to acknowledge Kayden

"We make it a point not to 'baby talk' with him. I mean, we're still gushy and what not but no goo goos and gagas"


Robin nods as she steps back from Rain. She looks around the shop to make sure she has everything to do Kayden's hair. He thought she forgot but every time she saw him, she reminded him. He decided today is the day to put it to a rest.

"We gonna talk about the elephant in the room?"

Earlier when she and Kayden were having lunch, a spontaneous firework show commenced...for her. Dino pronounced his love to the world for her. Their lunch was paid for and he had the waiter give her her favorite wine.

A bouquet of flowers and a note saying he handled the preorders for her new wig line. Then when they got to the shop, it was filled with different types of flowers, cards and a booked spa day for her and her mother.

Robin looks around the shop before the door opens and Mags walks in.

"Hi precious"

She walks pass Robin and straight to Rain. Mags promised to take Rain while Robin does Kayden's hair. Robin doesn't want him around any chemicals in the shop since he's still so little and Mags was happy to oblige.

"Hi to you too"

Mags waves at Robin and Kayden before putting Rain in his stroller. Robin hands her his diaper bag and Mags heads to the door.

"I'll be back in two hours"

"That's all I need. Thank you Auntie Mags"

They exit the shop and Robin leans on the back of Kayden's chair. They look at each other in the mirror before Robin sighs

"I miss him Kayden"

"You've been shutting him out?"

Robin sets up her table of bleaching powder, developer, bowls, etc while then rolling out her barber set.

"I just..I don't want to but I'm on guard now and I don't like that. Being with him just filled me with this joy that I can't explain but now every time he looks at me, I wanna cry. This shit stings Kayden"

Kayden nods in support. He's just there to listen and offer advice if she wants it.

Robin rubs at her eyes

"He's been really sweet for the past month. Not overly sweet but the man I know. The man I married but it's off on my end. I don't know how to move past this"

"Do you want to?"

"Of course"

"Then you have to make an effort on your part and by that, I mean being receptive to his advances. Not like you were when you rolled your eyes at the fireworks earlier"

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