Heart and Soul

131 13 42

"Alright. Let's pick up right here. Scene 63, Take 32. Action!"

Bullets fly through the air as Anais ducks through the chaos to a nearby window. Patrons scream as they try to exit the galleria but Anais stands in front of the window to start counting the floors of the building across from them.


A sniper shoots through the window, aiming for the most influential person in the room

"Anais!" Stacy calls from behind a table but it's like she doesn't hear him. A bullet whizzes through the window and hits her shoulder but she doesn't feel it. She keeps counting as she's hit by another bullet.

She turns and moves away from the window. Pulling out the phone on her thigh, she dials..


"There's a sniper of the thirtieth floor of the state center"

"Got it" 

"ANAIS!" Stacey calls out and this time she looks up. Anais sees the worry sketched on his face before following where his glance lays.

Looking down at her stomach, she sees the blood oozing through her dress


Anais passes out as the pain finally registers through her body. Stacy rushes to her while also trying to dodge bullets. He scoops her body up and carries her behind the bar.

"Come on baby. Stay awake"

Anais eyes flutter as she tries to keep consciousness


"I'm here. I'm here and we're gonna get out. I just need you to stay awake while I clear a way. Ok?"

Anais nods and lifts herself into a sitting position. Stacy double checks that she's good before he rushes out. The building is mostly empty except for a few henchmen. Being stealth, Stacy shoots every hench he comes in contact with before he hears a scream.

Turning around he faces his worst fear. "Ace" has Anais by her hair, holding a gun to her temple. Tears stream down her face as she tries to keep calm. Stacy aims his gun but "Ace" uses Anais as a shield.

"Let her go"

"You know I can't do that"

"Stacy" Anais whimpers. The pain is becoming too much for her to bear and she's losing a lot of blood. Stacy knows he has to take the chance

"Ace" chuckles and shakes his head

"Trust me when I say I'm doing you a favor. You can't even see what's happening right in front of you"

"Shut up!"

"Ace" digs into the bullet wound on Anais shoulder, making her scream out. Her eyes lock with Stacy's and he nods her way.

"Anais," Stacy uses a calm voice to try and sooth her. "What I tell you...about us?"

Anais gently smiles through the tears

"You got me"

"I got you baby"

BANG! Anais feels pressure lift from her back as "Ace" falls to the ground with a bullet in his head. She turns in shock, fear and relief before turning back just in time to hug Stacy.

He kisses her face repeatedly

"I told you, I told you. Now let's get you out of here"

Anais nods as Stacy helps her out of the building.

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