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Robin's fingers absentmindedly taps the table as she stares off into another dimension. She's been quiet ever since they left the boutique.

Much to the men's concern

Eddie and Dino look at each other in worry. Maybe they should have had this conversation BEFORE Eddie tried to take her soul in the dressing room.

But shit, neither regret it

Dino loves watching Robin whimper with pleasure. Sometimes he makes her orgasm until she cries but doing it alone can get exhausting.

This is not to say he can't keep up but most women can be satisfied with one. Robin is NOT most women

Plus everything is still within his control. He knows Robin would never betray him because she holds all the power. Most people don't understand the turmoil a woman can put a man through when she ALLOWS him to be dominant. When she WILLINGLY submits. Most powerful position of all

He likes it. Eddie on the other hand is still reeling in. He's written it off. Regardless of whether his feelings were honestly gone or not, he wasn't getting Robin.

Hell they fought over her. Only to end up making her fall apart at both of their touch. Finally having her lips on his.

Eddie hasn't licked his lips so much in his life but he can still taste her.

He wants to taste her again but the poor woman hasn't said anything since Dino paid for her bathing suits and they left. They pulled into the diner about a mile away to sit and talk things out

Only person who said anything was the waitress to greet them and get the drink order

"So how exactly..why exactly..what the fuck?" Robin groans and holds her head in her hands.

It's not that she didn't enjoy what happened. She loved it but that was the problem per se. Where did Dino's change of heart come from? Why would Eddie agree? And why the fuck did they set her up?

Dino holds Robin's hand but she gives him a look that makes him yank it back. Eddie chuckles but shuts up with her eyes cut his way.

Robin takes a deep breath

"Ok. Let's start from the top. Where and who came up with this idea?"

"After you threatened to divorce me, I realized I had to step outside myself. We've never had any problem being open and honest with each other and yet I allowed jealousy to cause me to act out of character."

"I mean I was egging you on," Eddie shrugs. "I approached Ro even knowing she was engaged to be married. That wasn't right"

"Even with that, Robin wouldn't have cheated on me. I had to sit back and wonder WHY I was jealous and it was because Eddie and you were gonna happen eventually."

Robin looks at Dino confused

"I would have never-"

"I know you wouldn't but there would have always been some underlying tension. Doing it this way keeps me in the know and in control. Plus," Dino leans forward and takes Robin's hand. "I'm all about your pleasure."

Dino pulls Robin close until her face is in his hands as he stares into her eyes.

"Mental, emotional and physical pleasure. You trust me with those, right?"

Eddie looks at the couple, astounded. No wonder Dino isn't worried about Robin cheating. That mother fucker owns her soul and to see it with his own eyes..he'd be confused if he was Robin too.

Shit, he agreed and he's still confused on how the three of them got here.



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