My First Broadcast

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When I got the license I was jumping for joy. I wanted to do something. Celebrate. Tell someone about it. I ran for the phone. After punching in the numbers off the fridge the phone began to ring. Someone finally picked up.

"Hello?" A voice said.

"Hi is this Mike?" I asked nervously.

"This is him.." Mike muttered. I took a deep breath.

"Look Mike," I began. "I just got my broadcasting license and I really want to celebrate it with the person that is most important to me. I know we're not speaking right now but I really want you to be here for me. I promise we can talk this all out later.. but for now what I really need is to just be with you. I'm going down to the station now and if you want to come that would be great." I paused for a moment hoping he'd respond. "Okay thanks bye." I quickly hung up the phone.

I didn't care how awkward or weird that call was. I meant what I said. I grabbed my license and ran out of the apartment.

It was really early when I walked down the streets. Some people were up. I caught Eli opening up the diner. He congratulated me on the license. I felt so overwhelmed with happiness about it all. I was able to start broadcasting now. Officially. This was the beginning of a whole new chapter for me. I was going to start something. Something big and important. I've never felt so much hope before.

When I finally made it to the station there was someone standing outside waiting. It was Mike. He awkwardly smiled at me as I walked closer.

"Mike?" I asked. "You came.."

"I wouldn't have missed it," He shrugged. I stood staring at him for a minute before I couldn't keep it in. I jumped on him, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you," I beamed. I had missed him so much that I held the hug for longer than I should have. I nervously chuckled as I got off of him. I quickly unlocked the station and let us in.

"You gonna frame it?" Mike asked. I was so in my head and happy I didn't comprehend what he was saying.

"Huh?" I blinked, walking over to the desk.

"The license.." He said. "Are you gonna frame it?"

"Oh," I shook my head. "No.. I've got a place for it." Mike sat down with me at the table where I pulled a drawer open. I placed the license carefully in a folder where the deed was. Then I locked the drawer closed. "I wanna keep it safe."

"I gotcha," He laughed. I looked forward at the machinery. I knew how to work it all. Claire showed me how. I just never actually did it before.

"Wow," I gushed. "I'm able to actually broadcast now."

"Well are you going to?" Mike asked. I blinked and looked at him.

"What?" I scoffed. "Now?"

"Well yeah," He shrugged. "I mean.. legally you can."

"But.." I nervously peeped. "I couldn't.. I don't even have a tape to play." I looked back at the empty shelves. "I didn't wanna bring any here yet.."

"I've got a tape," Mike smirked. I gave him a confused look. "It's in my car. I'll go get it." Mike quickly got up and ran out of the station. I sat waiting. Thinking. I've never broadcasted before. What if I was horrible? I couldn't do it. Mike came running back in with a cassette tape in hand.

"I can't do it," I put my head in my hands.

"Don't say that," Mike chuckled sitting next to me again.

"No really," I whined. "I'm gonna be horrible."

"Stop it," He shook his head. I looked up as he handed me the tape. It was a Beatles album. The one I had given him in the hotel.

"Mike this is.." I blinked.

"I know," He nodded. "Just play it."

I nodded at Mike. I started to turn on the devices. I put the tape into the cart, turning on the broadcasting system and brought the mic forward towards me. I gave Mike one more nervous glance as he nodded for me to continue. I pressed the button.

"Good Morning New York," My voice shook. "This is Lane from station 98.8 with my first ever broadcasting. In honor of this being my first ever time on air.. I'd like to start this station off with one of my favorite songs. This I Octopus's Garden by the Beatles." I turned on the cart and went to the track I wanted. The song began to play very quietly. I turned off the mic and turned to Mike. He was grinning at me.

"Did it work?" He asked.

"Let's see!" I gasped. I jumped up out of my seat, running towards the small radio in the corner of the station. I turned it on, moving it to try and find 98.8. There it was. I turned it on and I could hear it all. Octopus's Garden was playing. It was actually playing. I was playing a real song from my station. "Oh my god!" I turned to Mike who was standing next to me. "It's working!"

"You did it," He grinned at me. I jumped on Mike again as he spun me around.

"I fucking did it!" I cried. The chorus of the song began to play, as it rung out into the station.

"I'd like to be... under the sea," Mike sang as we danced around. "In an Octopus's Garden in the shade." I looked at him surprised.

"You know the song?" I laughed.

"I know every song on this album," He chuckled.

"You listened to it?" I tilted my head.

"Of course," He smiled. "You gave it to me."

"Oh Mike," I pulled him closer as we danced. Looking at him made me want to cry. I had been such an idiot. I knew it now. I had blamed it all on him. I blamed him for me not being ready to date him. But after these past 2 weeks I knew I couldn't be without him. The truth was.. I loved him. "Mike please forgive me."

"What?" He scoffed.

"I've been such an idiot," I shook my head.

"I thought we were gonna talk about this later," He laughed.

"I know I know," I sighed. "I know I was being so horrible... I swear I trust you."

"What are you getting to?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Mike please can I be your girlfriend?" I asked. I looked him in the eye.

"Are you sure this is good timing?" He asked sarcastically.

"Mike please," I laughed. Mike paused for a moment looking at me.

"Of course," He chuckled. I pulled him even closer as our lips met for a kiss. We danced around while the song continued to play.

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