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-What happened yesterday morning-

Y/N woke up and got dressed for school. She rushed downstairs and out of the house without eating or drinking anything so by the time she got to where she was heading she was already thirsty and her stomach was aching but she didn't care along as she got to him on time.

Y/N stood infront of Robin's house waiting patiently for home to walk out. When he did he saw Y/N and walked up to her.

"What are you doing here?"- Robin

"I came here for you"- Y/N

"Why would you do that?"- Robin

"I wanna walk with you Robin, I'm tired of hiding"- Y/N

"You already know what I'm gonna say so you might as well leave"- Robin

Robin walked past her and began making his way to school. Y/N followed him.

"Why are you following me?"- Robin

"We're going the same place"- Y/N

"Can't you go in a different direction?"-Robin

"I like walking this way"- Y/N

"Look, just stay away from me alright."- Robin

There was a brief moment of silence between the two "lovers".

"What are we?"- Y/N

Robin stopped walking and looked at her.

"What?" Robin responded slightly annoyed.

"You tell me you don't wanna be seen with me but then you show up at my house wanting to do stuff with me. Am I just some toy to you?"- Y/N

"What are you even talking about"- Robin

"Don't act dumb. I wanna hear you say it"- Y/N

"Say what?"-Robin

"That I mean nothing to to you"-Y/N

"Ofcourse you're nothing to me. We both agreed never to fall for eachother"- Robin

"Bullshit. We never even spoke about that"- Y/N

Other teens started surrounding them.

"Just say you're obsessed with me and get on with your life"- Robin

"Obsessed? I'm not the one showing up at your house in the middle of the night"- Y/N

"I'm not the one writing names in my underwear like some psychopath"-Robin

Y/N Roundhouse kicked him. Robin got up and pushed Y/N on the ground then got ontop of her and started punching her in the face repeatedly.

Y/N socked him in the jaw which almost caused it to break. Y/N pushed him off then kicked him in the face.

Eventually they both stopped fighting and walked to school. Separately. However they still walked into eachother in the nurses office. Because they had to fix their wounds. They were really fucked up.

The nure put bandages on their fist because they bleeding then she put an eye patch thing on Y/N's left eye and a bandage on Robin's forehead. That's it.

-The current day-

At school~

Y/N was sitting in class alone because Finney refused to sit next to her. But she wouldn't be alone for long because her bestfriend Hanna walked into the classroom.

"Hanna why are you late?" The teacher asked her

"There was like alot of Traffic"

"Whatever just sit down"

Mr. LoverMan | Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now