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The four of us sat in the principal office in silence.

I was sitting by Finn and Robin was sitting by donna

Robin was wrapping his hand in tissue paper while tears drained from his eyes.

I don't know why but I kinda felt bad for him so I stood up and sat closer to him.

"You're not doing it right....give me your hand"

I held out my hand so I could hold his he looked up at me with a confused look but still let me hold his hand(he hesitated about letting you touch him)

I wiped the blood off his knuckles then wrapped his in the tissue properly.

".....thanks" is what he told me before going quiet again.

"I'm sorry" Finney said to Donna

Donna didn't respond.

"It was only supposed to make you two jealous I didn't mean to hurt anyone" Finney said to Donna

"How did you expect it not to hurt Finn shit like that can hurt people" Donna said to Finney

"I know it was wrong and I'm sorry....will you forgive me?"

".....fine just don't do it again" Donna said to Finney

Finney gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you Donna" Finney said to Donna

"I love you too Finn" Donna said while giving him a sad smile

".....I'm sorry too Robin" I said to Robin

"uhuh" Robin mumbled to me.(yk how people say "yeah" without actually saying it)

The principal walked in the office.

"This is getting ridiculous. Finney and Donna I expected better from you."

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry won't fix it. After school cleaning. All of you." (She's telling them to clean up the school after it's over)

(They were now in the classroom cleaning up)

"Sorry for punching you in the face Y/N..." Donna said to me while sweeping the floor.

"I'm sorry for kissing Finn and slapping you in the face" I told Donna while also sweeping the floor.

"Are we still cool?" She asked me.

"Ofcourse" I responded.

"I'm sorry for what I did Robin" Finney said to Robin while picking up papers off the floor

"Don't worry about it Finn it's fine, we're good" Robin told Finney

Then everyone went quiet again just walking around cleaning.

After we finished cleaning we left, me and Donna hugged before parting ways Finn and Robin fist bumped eachother goodbye and Robin ignored me not saying a word.

Me and Finney started walking home
When we were half way there I decided to stop by the convince store.

"Finn you can go home I'm gonna go to the store" I said to Finney

"Are you sure you wanna go alone?" Finney asked me.

"Why? Do you wanna walk with me" I asked him

"I just don't think it's safe" Finney told me

"I'll be fine" I assured him.

"No. I'll walk with you to make sure you're safe" Finney told me.

"Okay Bodyguard" I said to Finney and we both started walking to the store.

Finney tried to hold my hand.

"AHHHH don't touch me" I said slapping his hand away

"You're so dramatic" Finney said while rolling his eyes.

Mr. LoverMan | Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now