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The next day~

"Y/N wake up you're gonna be late for school" Gabriella said while walking into Y/N's Room.

She saw that Y/N's bed was in the same position as how she left it yesterday. Messy.

Y/N was nowhere to be found Gabriella looked looked in all the rooms in the house and still didn't she her.

"Elena have you seen Y/N?" Gabriella asked Elena while bursting through her door (she entered Elena's room without knocking)

"No didn't she come home last night?"
Elena asked Gabriella.

"No I'll go see if she slept over at Finney's house" Gabriella said Elena.

"Y/N is missing?" Elena said in a panicked voice.

"I'll find her don't worry just stay here and keep the door locked" Gabriella said before rushing over to the Blake residence.

Gwen opened the door.

"Gabriella?" Gwen called out her name.

"Gwen- ....what happened" Gabriella asked as she saw Gwen's sad face.(Gwen had been crying alot so her eye were red and puffy)

"Finney didn't come home yesterday" Gwen said exhausted. (She spoke like she hadn't slept in days)

"What?" Gabriella said in shock.

"Yeah The police are trying to find him" Gwen told Gabriella

"Y/N didn't come home either" Gabriella told Gwen

"....." Gwen stayed silent for a while before speaking again "can I talk to you in private?..." She said as more tears drained from her eyes

"Okay" Gabriella told Gwen

Gwen held Gabriella by her wrist and dragged her Into her room (not literally dragged her They walked)

Gwen told Gabriella about the dreams she had been having and that the day before yesterday she had a dream that Y/N would go missing.

"You saw her in a random house with a man in clown makeup?" Gabriella asked trying to make sure.

"I know I probably sound crazy but it's true" Gwen said to Gabriella

"I believe you" Gabriella told Gwen

"You do? Oh thank God" Gwen said in relief that someone finally listened to her.

Gabriella stayed with Gwen for a while before walking back home.

She then started printing out missing posters putting them up.

Gwen helped her put up the posters for Y/N and she also put up her brother's poster.


I woke up on a mattress in some room that looked like a cellular I think. I don't know I can't see shit.

"Finn are you there? I can't see you"

"I'm here, I can't see you Ethier"

I reached out to him and linked my arm with his.

"You must be horrified to be touching me"

"Shut up Ofcourse I am"

"Good, you're awake"
We turned our head towards the door When we hear the strange deep voice.

We couldn't see who it was because he spread us in the eyes with that stupid spray.

"Who are you? Where are we?" Finney asked man.

Mr. LoverMan | Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now