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It was the weekend so everyone decided to stay at Hana's house for one more night since today is now
Y/N's 17th birthday.

Today is also Robin's Birthday but this isn't about him.

"Finn you never left" Gwen said to Finney

"Did you want me to leave?" Finney asked Gwen

"No but I thought you said you would only stay for 5 minutes then then go back home to take care of dad" Gwen said to Finney.

"Oh shit you're right I forgot" Finney said outloud.

"Y/N honey your sister just called she wants you and Elena to come home" Mrs.Yamamoto said from the other side of the door.

"Mrs.Yamamoto Did my dad call?" Finney asked Mrs.Yamamoto.

"Oh yeah he called last night asking for you I told him you slept over he said he was fine with it"

"and what did he say after" Finney anxiously asked Mrs.Yamamoto.

"Oh don't worry Finney he just wants you and Gwen to come home safely today"

"Okay" Finney said to Mrs.Yamamoto as he started to calm down.

"Well I guess we can't stay I'm sorry Hana" Gwen said to Hana before getting up from the bed and packing her things.

"Don't worry about it Gwen mabye next time" Hana said to Gwen

Y/N, Finney, Gwen and Elena left Hana's house and walked to our house.

When Y/N and Elena entered the we were met with a tremendous shocker.

It was Their parents. They came back from their kid free Vacation.

"Mom?" Elena.

"Oh hey babe" Mom said to Elena.

Elena ran up to mom and hugged her.

"What's up mamá" mom said to Y/N which made her blush a little.

"What are you waiting for give me a hug" mother said to Y/N which then made her rush over and hug her mother.

Y/N and Elena then switch over to their dad and gave him a hug.

"Go get ready I have a surprise for you"

"What surprise"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you would it?"

"Okay I have to take a shower first"

"Hurry we're leaving in 15 minutes"

Y/N dashed into the bathroom and took a quick shower then got ready all in just 14 minutes.

-Y/N's POV-

We drove for about 8-9 minutes....we arrived at.....we arrived at our destination....our destination being-

"Why are we at Robin's house?" Elena asked mom

"Because me and his mother thought thought that Robin and Y/N should celebrate their birthdays together. You know with them being a couple"

"Oh..." Gabriella said to herself before walking away. (She went inside the house)

"Why? Did something happen between you two" Mom asked me alittle concerned.

"No not at all." I quickly denied her theory even though it was true that something did happen between us.

Elena gave me a 'what the fuck' kind of look and I gave her a
'shut the fuck up' look knowing she was about to expose my ass.

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