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"I think we should stop" -Hana

"What Why?" -Y/N

"Can't you see he's already jealous? He looks at me like he wants to snap my neck and I really don't want that to happen"-Hana

"Just for a few more days then we can stop"-Y/N

"If I'm still alive then"-Hana

"Oh come on Hana don't be a pussy. He's not gonna do anything he's just fucking with your head"-Y/N

Right after she said that a brick was thrown at us and it nearly hit Finney in the head.

Again it was Robin Arellano who threw the brick.

"Nope I'm done" Hana said before running away.

"Hana wait!!!" I said running after him.

After school Y/N decided to stop by a diner to clear her mind.....and to get a milkshake.

"Hey Y/N" she heard a deep voice yell out to her.

"Who the fuck- ......Bruce?" She said ready to curse that person for disrupting her but those emotions later turned into shocked when she saw him, She was shocked because I haven't seen this bicth in forever and now he's casually talking to her like they're cool.

"Someone's angry" he said taking a seat next to her.

"The fuck do you want Bruce" She said harshly to him.

"I just wanna talk"

"About what?"

"I wanted to know how you've been"


"because I wanna make things right between us"

".......you want pussy don't you? Where's that girl you were with at the drive-in"

"On vacation with her family"

"So you wanna-"

"No Y/N, you don't understand-"

"What don't I understand Bruce?"

"Robin made me do it"


"He threatened me to break up with you"

"Robin wouldn't- .....no he would do something like that, what did he say to you"

"He threatened to tie me up and bang my mom in front of me then proceeded to kill me and my entire family except Hana"

".....Bruce he was probably fucking with you trying to get into your head"

"I wasn't taking any chances who knows what he's capable of, I swear that bandanna gives him powers of something"

"Fair enough."

Today was Hana's 16th Birthday so Y/N got ready and headed to her house for the slumberparty.

But ofcourse her sister Elena wanted to go with her too.

They arrived at Hana's house empty handed. "Oh hello girls, Come on in. Hana's upstairs in her room"-Mrs.Yamamoto Y/N and Elena walked upstairs into Hana's bedroom.

"You didn't get me anything?"-Hana

"I brought you my presence what more could you want."-Y/N

As they waited for the other girl's to show up so they killed time by gossiping.

"So you know how Bruce cheated on you with Heather" Hana

"Yeah" Y/N

"Well Yesterday Bruce had to go to the doctor for some rash on his...you know 'boy part' turns out Heather had a std and gave it to him"

"No fucking way" Y/N

"Yes fucking way almost every guy in school caught something from her. I tried to warn him but he wouldn't listen to me" Hana

"That's what he gets for being a cunt" Elena

"I know right, everyone is being mega cunts lately" Hana

"But you know who the biggest cunt is?"

"Who?" Hana asked me.

"Robin Arellano."-Y/N

"I know girl, I didn't forget."-Hana

"You never did tell me what happened at the drive-in Finney walked in smelling like soda" Elena said.

"Robin happened at the drive-in" Hana said to Elena.

"Damn." Elena said as she began bitting her nails.

"Why is he like that?" Hana asked Y/N.

"I don't know Maybe he's off his pills or something" Y/N said to Hana.

"What are you girls talking about" Gwen asked as she walked through the door.

"Finally" Hana said said to Gwen giving her a hug.

"Is Finn not coming?" Hana asked.

"No he says he doesn't feel like Doing girly stuff" Gwen said to Hana

"There are not girly activities here" Hana said to Gwen

"That's what I told him" Gwen said to Hana.

"Whatever, Let's paint eachother's nails" Hana said and they all agreed.

More of Hana's friends showed up so it was now 10 of there there in one room.

Finney also decided to come but he said would only be staying for a while.

Hana's mom overheard a conversation they were having and heard a boy talk.

"Hana Yamamoto that better not be a boy in there!!!" Mrs.Yamamoto yelled out.

"It's Just Finn mom!!!" Hana yelled back.

"Oh alright honey!!!" Mrs.Yamamoto Yelled back and continued what she was doing.

They had pillow fights, ate smores, drank hot chocolate, did more Gossiping, Played truth or dare and watched horror films.

Then They fell asleep around 5:00am.



(I could've swore I felt a spider crawling up my 🙀 while editing this)

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