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A few days later the black phone that was in the basement started to ring.

"...do you hear that" I asked Finney.

"Yeah I do..."

I hesitated about picking up the phone. The ringing got louder so I had no other choice.


".....Y/nnnnnn" someone whispered into the phone causing me to cover my nose.

"Bitch I can smell your breath from here plus I think you just gave my ear a 3rd degree burn from how you whispered" I said back to the person

"Well dang my bad I haven't been able to brush my teeth down here" the person said.

"Hang up and try again" I said to the person hanging up the phone.

Like 3 seconds later the person called back.

"Hello" the person said in a muffled tone like they had their mouth covered.

"That's better"

"Alright so what I was about to tell you was never go upstairs"

"I wasn't planning on going"



".......well shit all right then"

"Wait a sec...Billy is that you?"

"....oh my God, Y/N?"

"Yes it's me"

"Oh how have you been?"

"I've been great, how about you?"

"Oh I've been dead"

"Oh...so this is why you didn't show up for our date last year I thought you ghosted me and moved Schools"

"Yeah you know I would never do that to you"

I'll keep it short for you.

So Billy eventually told me about a hole he dug up when he was down here. He told us to cover it up with a rug so that's what we did.

A few hours later another person called.

"You. Don't. Have. Much. Time."


The person started laughing.

"....Why are you laughing?"


I hung up the phone and it immediately started ringing again.

"Don't hang up."

"Alright just tell me why you called"

"There's a lock on the door upstairs. Put in the code and that's how you'll get out."

"What the code for the lock?"

"I don't remember. But I do remember it being the code for my bike lock"

".....what's the code for your bike lock?"

"It's written on the wall right next to the Boy."

I looked at Finney and he looked at me.

"Okay thank you...whatever your name is."

"My Name is Gr-"

I had already hung up before he could finish.

I walked over to Finney and told him to help me find the code when we found the code we snuck upstairs and put it into the door.

Mr. LoverMan | Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now