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5 days later Y/N stared seeing Hana's cousin Bruce Yamada who was also one of Finnigan's team mates.

Lunch Time~

"May I ask why you're dating my team mate again?"-Finney

"Cause He's hot as fuck, why aren't you with Donna Yet?" -Y/N

"Huh?"- Finney

"Are you two really a thing or are you making this up" -Y/N

"We're just friends."- Finney

"....are you lying to me?"- Y/N

"No. why would I lie about that"-Finney

"Are you sure you're not a little gay?"-Y/N


"Hey Babe" Bruce walked up to their table and sat down with

"Sup Finnigan"-Bruce

"Hey Bruce" Finney said to Bruce as they dapped each other up.

Bruce put his arm around my shoulder and kissed her before starting a conversation with Finney

She could see Robin in the corner of her eye staring at Bruce from a distance with an angry look on his face.

She chugged down her bottle of water trying not to think about him but it obviously didn't work. Stupid bitch.😒

Robin was enjoying this. Seeing her anxious always brings him joy.

She didn't even know why she was in such a panic it's not like anyone could see-

About 2 weeks later She found Bruce cheating on me with some Bitch named Heather.

When Y/N found out about Bruce cheating on she showed up at their hangout spot and attacked them both with a bat.

She felt sad about it for days but eventually got over him.

Y/N decided to confess to someone else...It was someone really close to her. She invited them Into her house to chat.

"I like you.."


"I'm saying I wanna be your girlfriend. "

"Y/N what the fuck are you talking about" -Hana

"I love you"-Y/N

"Shut the fuck up"-Hana

"Please date me "-Y/N

"What is this about?"-Hana

"....I'm lonely okay. It's hard being single when you're as good looking as me"-Y/N

"You're that desperate for someone to love you? I didn't think I'd expect this from you"-Hana

"Are you gonna judge me or are you gonna date me?"-Y/N

Mr. LoverMan | Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now