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"Elena wake the fuck up you're gonna be late for school!!!" - Gabriella yelled out.

"HOLD ON I'M COMING!!!!" Elena yelled back while rushing out of her room.

"Where's Y/N?"- Elena

"She already left"- Gabriella

"What? Why didn't she wait for me?"-Elena

"How the fuck should I know? Maybe it's because you take forever to get dressed"- Gabriella

Elena groaned in annoyance before walking out of the house.

As Elena was to make her way to school she saw Finney and Gwen walking out of their house. (Finney, Gwen, Elena and Y/N are Neighbours)

Then they started walking in her direction.

"Hey Elena" Gwen said while hugging me.

"Hey Gwenny" I responded back to her letting go of the hug.

"Finn." - Elena

"Elena." - Finney

They all started making our way to school.

On our way there we heard chanting from a distance so we ran over to check out what was going on.

It was Y/N and Robin shit talking eachother.

Y/N Roundhouse him in the face which caused him to fall on the ground.

"Holy shit" Elena said with excitement.

Robin got up and pushed Y/N on the ground then got ontop of her and started punching her in the face repeatedly.

"Let's go" Finney said while pushing Gwen and Elena away from the fight.

We continued walking to School.

"Shouldn't we stop them?"- Gwen

"They'll be fine Gwen, they're always feuding with eachother"- Finney

"I know that but I think they might kill each other one day"- Gwen

"No they won't"- Finney

"Would you fight for Donna that way?" - Gwen

"I don't think violence is always the answer so no" - Finney

"Pussy." Elena said under her breath.

"Huh?" Finney asked Elena although he heard exactly what she said.

"Nothing." Elena said to Finney with a fake smile

Elena looked away from Finn looked back at him against and saw him blushing. She frowned her eyebrows

"The fuck are you blushing for" - Elena

"Shut up I am not" - Finney

"You so are..oh my gosh, do you still have feelings for my sister?"- Elena

Elena asked while hitting slightly hitting him on the arm.

"Stop touching me" Finney said to me slapping her hand away.

"Ouch!!!" - Elena

They arrived at school.

"We're here. I'll see you losers later" Elena said while walking towards the school building.

"Wait for me!!!" Gwen yelled out chasing after Elena.

Y/N and Finnigan had science together, everyone was currently looking for lab partners

Mr. LoverMan | Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now