Chapter 1: The First Murder (1)

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It was peaceful night and Zane was home alone babysitting his little sister angelica and baby brother david. zane was in his room watching T.V with his other siblings. Zanes siblings were playing around acting like they were in the show as zane was watching smiling as he continued to watch his show till he gets a phone call.

"Alr that probably mom and dad quiet down angelica and David" Says Zane he goes to the phone as he answers it,

"hello?"Says Zane

"Hey zane i wanted to ask you about the science project that is due next week" Says Claire,

"Oh yea what about it?" Says Zane,

"Well we gotta start working on hit because you know how our teacher is act she gonna get on our ass if we dont do it lol" Says Claire,

"True, well you can come over my mom and dad are out and they wont be here till 12 pm" Says Zane,

"Great! I Will be there soon see you later" Says Claire,

"bye claire" Says Zane he hangs up the phone,

Zane goes to his siblings and tells them to head to bed because it was a school night they get up. Zane tells them he will be there later to tuck them into bed. They playfully run into their rooms as zane cleans up his room a little bit as soon as he heads to his siblings room het gets another phone call. He sighs and goes to the phone and answers it.

"Hello?" Says Zane,


"Hello??" Says Zane,

"Hey is this the right number??" Says the unknown caller,

"Um..what number were you trying to reach?" Says Zane in a confused voice,

"909-527-1803" Says the caller,

"Oh yea you were mistaken it happens don't worry about it" Says Zane as he hangs up the phone,

He walks to his sisters room and tucks her in bed. He leave his sisters room and goes to his brothers and tucks him in as the little brother says.

"Can u please check my closet for monsters im scared.." Says David,

Zane smiles and goes to his closet and opens the door and sees nothing.

"There's not monster in here david relax as long im here no one can get you" says Zane,

Zane walks to his little brother and ruffles his hair and says goodnight and leaves the room. Zane proceeds to go downstairs getting his stuff for the science project. As he gets another phone call he goes over to it and answers it.

"Hello??" Says Zane,

"Oh im sorry i must have called the wrong number again im sorry" says the caller,

"Oh um its alright goodbye.." Says Zane as he about to end the call,

"No wait don't hang up i wanna talk" says the caller,

"Well what did you want to talk about" Says Zane as he sits on a chair,

"Well are you having trouble letting go of the past?" Says the caller,

Zane looks at the phone confused as he looks around.

"Um no why-??" Says Zane,

"Don't lie i know your struggling with something right" Says the caller,

"look sir im not comfortable talking about this i don't even know who u are-" Says Zane with a worried Expression,

"You think that but im someone you know..~" Says the Caller,

"No i don't your voice is not familiar" Says Zane as he hangs up and walks away from the phone,

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