Chapter 4: Hunting Season

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The next Morning Claire and all her other friends expect Joshua are walking to school but sees police cars there and people gathered around on area of the school with broken glass shards and dried up blood on the ground. they all go over to see what happened and look up to see a man dead his upper body hanging against to edge of the window.

Not long after they see 2 medics drag a body out the school they over hear them says that it was Mrs. Mendoza's body. They see writing on the wall where the dead man is hanging from.

"If you don't let go of the past it will soon came back to hunt you down..?" Says Daniela,

"Wait..i seen that somewhere.." Says Claire,

They all look at her with a confused look.

"What do you mean you seen it before?" Says Andrew,

Claire thinks hard about trying to remember then she gets a flashback to when Zane was found dead. She saw the same writing on the wall in where his little brother died and where he died.

"The same person killed Zane.." Says Claire,

"What..?" Says Christina,

"The same person who killed Mrs. Mendoza killed Zane because i saw the same writing when i saw him on the ground" Says Claire,

"So you saying the killer went after Zane first then went after these 2? Hardly believable Claire" Says Joshua as he meets up with them,

"Where did you come from Josh?" Says Christina,

"From my house Duh" Says Joshua

Christina gives Joshua the mad dog eyes as they both stare at each other.
Claire looks back at the window where the man is hanging from and tries to inspect the writing.

"There has to be a reason for why this person is killing people there has to be a motive for their attack's" Says Claire,

"Well im out" Says Andrew,

"Wait why? We have school today" Says Daniela,

"Bro there were 2 murders today here this place is a crime scene-" Says Andrew,

"Besides its hunting season i gotta go with my father for 2 days" Says Andrew,

"Awww you leaving..?" Says Claire,

"Only for 2 days Claire everything will be fine don't worry. See you guys in 2 days bye!" Says Andrew as he walks off to his house,

They all wave goodbye and they walk off to the cafe to get some coffee. They continue to talk in the cafe as Andrew begins to pack his bags and weapons for the hunt. Not long after Andrew and his dad drive off to the mountains and to a cabin.

"Why do we always do this?" Says Andrew

"Because its family tradition son plus to keep up from dying of hunger because the food is getting expensive we gonna get ourselves a big deer for dinner."
Says Andrews Dad,

"But why for 2 days?" Says Andrew,

"Can you stop asking questions and help me unpack these bags into the cabin Andrew" Says Andrews Dad,

Andrew Sighs and and grabs his pack of clothes and weapons for the hunt. He unpacks his stuff and lays on the bed in one of the Cabins.

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