Hunting Season (2)

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Andrew goes on his phone and plays some games on his phone while his dad unpacks his stuff.
     after a few hours of unpacking they both go out into the woods to walk around so they can get to know the paths more so they wouldn't get lost.

"Dad do we really have to go hunting after what happened to my little brother.." Says Andrew with a sad tone,

"Oh stop complaining you used to love hunting when u were small" Says the Dad,

"Well next year im not going hunting with you" Says Andrew,

They both continue to walk around the woods and mark the spots they will go hunting for the rest or their trip.
     Andrew's dad tell him he was gonna go out and grab a few things at a local store.

"Hey son ima go to a store nearby do you want anything??" Says Andrew's Dad,

"Yea bring me som chips and soda because i am craving some soda and chips" Says Andrew,

Andrew's dad leaves the cabin and goes to his car and he enters his car and sees a picture of his deceased son.
  Andrew's dad looks at the picture and slowly starts to cry and hold the picture to his heart.

"I wish u were still with me son.. i can never let go about what happened to you.." Says Andrew's Dad as his eyes fill with tears,

Andrew aswell is looking at a photo on his phone of him and his little brother hugging and having fun as andrew slowly begins to cry too.

Andrew looks at the window and seems to notice a figure in the woods standing there behind a tree.        Andrew gets up and goes outside to see what it was but when he goes outside to where he saw it was gone.

He brushes it off and goes back to his room and lays on the bed and ends up falling asleep.


Andrew wakes up and realizes he slept thru the whole day and went the kitchen to see if his dad has came back.
     He looked every around the cabin but he wasn't around and andrew looked outside the fron door and sees his dad car parked.
he goes outside to check the car to see if his had was still in the car but wasnt all he saw was the bag of groceries.
     Andrew was alil suspicious bc his dad wasn't here and began to grab the bag of groceries. after andrew grabbed the groceries he noticed alil wet spot on the front seat.
    Andrew slowly reached his hand to that puddle and turned on his flashlight and its red. andrew freaks and notices a figure on the window of the driver seat.

   the figure smashes the window and tries to grab andrew by his arm and he backs up and runs into the cabin and closes the front door and locks the door and runs to his room and hides in his closet and tries to call the cops. 
    After failed attempts to call the cops the killer managed to break down the door and walk around the house looking for andrew while holding a knife.
   Andrew tries to call again but he had no service and he tries to control his breathing for the killer can't hear him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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